The Return of the Animal Farm: Chapter 1 Part 1

 The Return of the Animal Farm

Inspied by a family that lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma.

Chapter 1

On the sunny landscape of a farm in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma there were 3 pigs with very big ideas. There ideas definitely represented their body size. Everyday, the eldest of the bunch, Napoleon Jr, would say "Us pigs are much smarter than those farmers. If you ask me, we should run the farms." Sparky, the youngest of the trio, would agree, "We are stronger than them. If you ask me, we should have their money." The lone sow, Louise, the least intelligent of them, interjected, "It be sure nice to eat their turkeys. I do love me a Thanksgiving bird." The three decided on their plan unanimously. They went to the farmhands quarters, and stole their clothes. Each of them fit them snugly, and practiced upright. Sparky always had a problem with movement. It took him quite some time to learn how to walk. After about six months of learning the ways of the farmers, they had a grasp on English. Sparky had a bit of a speech problem, so his English was barely passable. Then, Napoleon Jr, who loved war novels, stated, "We need some weapons if we are to fight those farmers." Louise had always been against violence. It had been the swine way to really care about Christianity. She said, "What would God think if we killed them? They have given us all our slop and sties!" Napoleon Jr. had snorted over such ideals. He told her, as the general he had envisioned himself as, "God? Who are you kidding? We are stronger than that God! If you ask me, we should run their religion!" There was another sow within their group. Alas, she had passed away a fee years ago. Nana pig had always believed the same thing. Her and papa pig had sired Napoleon Jr. It was clear all their ideals were not lost on them. Louise, being easily influenced as always, let out an eager squeal, and she was all but aboard.

The gang of pigs had gathered up some spades and pitchforks to learn the way of war. Sparky, albeit the biggest of the crew, had a lot of problems learning how to wield their weapons. It had been decided that Sparky, because of his mental limitations, would simply charge their enemies. As slow as he was, he was sure to absorb quite few blows before going down. His was the most rage-filled of the crew, which Napoleon Jr would always praise. He would often say, "My boy always was an angry boy! His rage is enough to survive the coldest ocean!" Louise had the worst dexterity of the three, so it was decided she could a spade as a blunt weapon. Napoleon Jr. would remark, "Even you figure out how to swing it like a hammer!" When Napoleon Jr. was figuring out he would contribute to the war, he professed, "Why, I am so smart that I am not needed to fight! I will simply command the two of you, and my simple-yet-superior mind will lead us to victory!" Of the three of them, Napoleon Jr. was by far the laziest. When the farmers came to slaughter him one time, he had oinked, "You can't kill me! I have a bum leg and can't move! I would not taste good to the customer!" He had always feared being sold at the local grocery store, which was ironically named our nation. Napoleon Jr. was by far the most cowardly of the three. The mere fact of being a boar terrified him. It was by far preferable to be a piglet, despite being the largest of Nana pig's liter.
