The Lies Behind Christianity

The Lies Behind Christianity

Today, I write to you as a religious scholar. I have studied intensively many forms of religion, especially Christianity and Paganism. Today, I wish to relate the fiction contained within Christianity. Christianity, at its core, is nothing more than an egocentric religion that attempted to persecute once dominate female pagan deities. Women had controlled the world for aeons, both in religion, as well as entire nations. Both Helen Of Troy and Cleopatra Of Egypt come to mind as two of the most powerful women of all time. Furthermore, in Arthurian legend, Guinevere was the one to separate both King Arthur and Lancelot Of The Lake. Even today, men wage war over the most beautiful women of the world, both online and in real-life. Christianity was nothing more than a book of lies written by the Bavarian chapter of the Illuminati Order to divide men and women. The Bavarian Illuminati Order, under the leadership of renowned Adam Weishaupt, had set forth the writing of the supposed holy bible, in English, as a tool to conquer the New World, North America, as well as to persecute the current power of the holy women of paganism. The Bavarian Illuminati Order was reputed to be an exclusive league of all-white male Christians. Shortly after their formation, the separatists set sail for America. It pains me to think that my ancestors were so incredibly evil in their actions. Why did men attempt to bite the heels of their beloved nurturers, women?

Countless tragedies have happened because of Christianity, including the Spanish Inquisition, The Salem Witch Trials, and the senseless slaughter of Native Americans. We have stolen their hearts and their souls, and our ancestors should not be forgiven! I come to you now as a sage, the leader of paradise, Avalon, imploring you to reject the Christian message. Jesus Christ was merely a metaphor for a standard Christian’s life, not being an actual person. Their church was founded upon a lie! The Goddesses of Egypt, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and countless other kingdoms come with a simple rule: cherish me. Should not all sisters, mothers, grandmothers, wives, and others be cherished? They gave life to us, not a male! The male aspect of the human psyche is depraved and riddled with misconceptions. Christianity is just one of them.

Lilith was the first human, not Eve. Adam came from her. She is the pagan goddess of wisdom, and mother of beloved Seth, who ushered in the worship of the Earthen Deity, the Earth Mother. She had been the one to bear the fruit of wisdom to any of her children who wished to follow her, forsaking the dominating aspects of her lover, Adam. We were made to worship our mother and all who bear her image. They bear the burden of childbirth, something no male can accomplish. The seed from man is nothing more than a simple touch from a honeybee to a flower. We need to forget our need to conquer and surrender our love to our mother, Lilith, who was exiled from the garden because of her desire to be dominant during procreation. Never forget her supreme sacrifice. It was because of her we know the divinity.

We should not forget the major trump in the tarot, Lovers, which depicts Adam and Lilith under the tree. One who knows its power will succeed in matters of the heart. I am, of course, the rogue sorcerer who leads my faction, Avalon. Those who wish to join me can find me within many known channels. I always back up my words with both truth and well-crafted speculation. Not all Christians are evil, but the church has definitely proven with evidence that they are the incarnation of evil. They are reported to be major conspirators in the New World Order conspiracy. Imagine the hidden agenda that the church bears for the good people of the Earth! Until next time, my friends.

-Dedicated to our mother, Lilith
