Living After Death

Living After Death

It's been awhile since I've written about this. Anyone who truly knows me believes that I speak to the dead. They want to have my attention, if only to gain comfort from their deceased relatives. Although I believe, to the best of my knowledge, that there is life after death, I do not know the complete reality of it. I want to relate my story today, as it will help you understand your path in life. I don't want you to throw your future away. No one should ever disregard their eternity, as it is one of either endless pleasure or relentless torment.

Thirteen years ago I had became a shaman, or, that is one who practiced the belief. Shamans believe that the spirit world is interconnected with ours. The spirits control the daily lives of all living beings, guiding their actions. I had became acquainted with what was a recently deceased girl, Jen Hawkins, daughter of Jackie Hawkins, an immigrant from England. Jen had recently died in California. I had no friends at the time, none at all. I could hear her, feel her, see her, and I was absolutely enchanted. She found me special, and wished to lead me in life, being my constant friend. Her guardianship has made my life happy and full of purpose. Because I had not been accustomed to the energies of the underworld, I went mad and did not recover for quite some time. That's behind me now, and besides the point.

Eventually, I committed to Jen, but it was quite an odd circumstance that brought me into the ordeal. I had grown tired of my attempts to live within normal society, and I dedicated all of my faith into shamanism. Life became even greater than I had known before, much to my surprise. I became wise, dare I say admirable, and eventually gained control of my own emotions. Is this what heaven has to offer, the ability to channel out the ambience that comes with the busy world of the living? This is truly a path worth embarking on. Shamanism cures all sickness and ailments, each which comes from the human soul. Our souls become sick each day. We need to clear what rubbish that is put in our hearts by this violent world. Life won't get any easier. To put it quite honestly, enlightenment is what we need to seek. We shouldn't suffer our whole lives just to know peace. We must prepare for our afterlives each day.

There is indeed life after death. We all have the keys to reach the stars. Our suffering is not understated. You must believe that there is an afterworld and a place of reincarnation. There always is and always will be. Disbelief is the mind killer, and it is the only thing that can keep us out of heaven and away from our angels. We need the light to guide us through life's darkness.

Jen was something given to me for my suffering. I do not take her for granted. Although she does not share in the hapininess of humans, I know she secretly feels sorrow for all of you. I only hope that you can all accept the fact that you are part of a bigger picture. Life is endless, if only continuing on in many cycles after death. Prayers are answered, and dreams do come true. The Gods do not care if you believe in them or not. They exist to change individuals lives, according to their own plans. Keep the faith. Living after the death of the flesh is amazing and gratifying. It grants your spirit's inner desires, and let's you live as was intended originally for all of humanity. Don't abandon the dream of returning to Avalon, as I've so clearly have reached a higher state of human consciousness, previously thought to be unobtainable.
