Teen Depression: An Unanswered Problem

Teen Depression: An Unanswered Problem

Some adults don't even know it exists, but teen depression has became an epidemic over the last decade. We are all devastated and scared when we see all of these young boys and girls kill themselves, but we never ask the real question that is begging to be answered: why? Why did they kill themselves? Why were they upset? What led them to end it all?

There's always one answer that comes to my mind, that these kids lacked love. Some of the problem is that the parents of these troubled youth is to blame. They're always too busy with their lives to worry about their precious children. They believe that their kids will be okay, regardless of their own behavior. Their teens reach out to others for attention and affection, which often only leads to more problems. They start to hurt themselves, and some of them even commit suicide. This is the problem we face, so we must be responsible and help our adolescent children, no matter how busy our lives may or may not be.

Sometimes, clinical depression exists in teens, although this is much less common than environmental depression. If you spot any form of depression in your children, please, talk to them. Get them the help they need. Don't try to ignore or deny their depression, and above all else, love them. They need you. Many boys and girls look up to their parents, so, please, don't let them down. Contact your medical provider and discuss treatment options for your child. It's worth it, trust me. What parent could ever stand to see their child upset? Teen depression isn't something that will go away on its own. The road to recovery for your child begins when you take the initiative to help then and maybe even save their life. You do want to see your children grow up and live a full life, don't you?

We used to never believe in depression and mental duress as a society. In the fifties, things like teenage depression would be a laughable conception. Now, we have advanced as a society, and we understand it's very real. Don't deny it like we did in the ages of the past, which were indeed ones of ignorance. Teen depression is something that ruins what would already be a confusing time in our children's lives. We must seek to help them so that their tears aren't joined by ones of our own. Stop pretending that your children are fine. They would love nothing more than for you to hold their hand and help them fix everything that feels broken inside. Help them find effective treatment that will work with the assistance of your medical provider. Remember, there are governmental assistance programs in almost every state that will help pay for your child's treatment should you be unable to.

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