Teen Depression: How It Feels

Teen Depression: How It Feels

Teen depression can devastate anyone's life. It doesn't feel good, and tonight, I'm going to explain how a depressed teen might feel. Each day is a challenge when you are a teen, and adding depression to their already heavy life can be crippling. Some people know what depression is like, if not many. Do you know what depression is like for your teen? Probably not, and that's why you need me. My fiction always features depressed teens. Now, I'm going to depict one for you to teach you empathy, and help you spot the warning signs so that you can rescue your child from what may be a very confusing and upsetting time.

Here is what your child may be going through:

Today didn't go so well at school. I felt like everyone was judging me. Everywhere I went it seemed like everyone was staring at me. I couldn't take it. When I got home, I sat in front of the mirror, and stared at myself, hating how I look. When I laid down, all I could think about was hurting myself. The bad thoughts haven't stopped. I cut, leaving many marks on my arm. There. Maybe someone will notice me. I'm not okay. I listened to music, and wondered if anyone can ever relate to how I feel. Everyone else at school is so pretty, all with perfect boyfriends and girlfriends. They have all the breaks. Me? I'm a loser, and no matter how much I purge, I'll always be fat and ugly. I can't take it, and, sometimes, I wish I was dead. It's not as if anyone would miss me. When I cried earlier, I wondered if this will ever end. Am I crazy? I know all the other kids think so, and no matter how much my mom and dad say they love me, I feel like they don't. They probably want me gone, too. I think everyone does. Oh my god. What has my life become? Will I ever get a chance to be happy?

Pretty convincing, wasn't it? That's just a tiny fraction of how a depressed teen feels. Imagine how life is for them. Doesn't it just break your heart knowing how our future, our youth feels? We can't let them live the way they do. We have to help them. Talk to your children, don't just be their parent, be their friend, too. Have them open up to you. Don't freak out if they are depressed. They’re just as normal as they were the first day they were born. Seek treatment for them, and agree upon a treatment plan that works for both you and your child. Remember to always love them and support them, and don't you dare get upset if your child isn't perfect. They will always be your sons and daughters. I've seen the horrors of humanity, seeing case after case of negligent parents. Don't add to the sum of countless reports of bad parenting. Be the father or mother that your father and mother wanted you to be, a good one. Help your depressed teen, and remember to always love them. One day, you may not have a chance to be around them and you'll regret not getting to be a part of their life more when they were growing up.

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