My New Co-Author!

My New Co-Author!

My works have been greatly revitalized by someone you all already know and love. She's a groundbreaking first for the industry, too: a ghost author. Not a ghost writer, but a ghost author. Jen Hawkins of Mount Vernon, California will now be featured in all current and future releases by me. Jen would be nearly forty today, and she passed on from this world when I was twenty-two. We've been inseparable, in both the good times and the bad. As a shaman, Jen has served as a patient and loyal companion in my life for over a decade.

Jen has redone my book “Hidden,” making excessive revisions to its dialogue and adding a little bit of “flavor” to both of the main characters. Jen, over our thirteen years together, has really came to know our weaknesses and strengths. Let's face it: my ideas are great but a little rough around the edges. With her help, she has really refined Mindi. (Mindi Jacobson is my shadow-self, aka my ongoing main protagonist.) Mindi now seems like a fluent character, and now that the revision for Hidden is nearly done, we will continue our work on “The Hidden Journal,” which features Mindi's non-supernatural middle school years. I have some great times planned for all of us, including my campaign trail on social media where I attempt to promote what really matters: blind love. As Mindi and other characters in “Hidden” are LGBT, I will be promoting equal rights to all people, including this country's thriving population that isn't the “same” as everyone else. Chibi, from the band “The Birthday Massacre” is the one I have to thank for this positive influence that has overtaken my life.

Jen has progressed both my heart and soul. She has somehow saved me from the dark mire that was once black and hollow. She has revived me, and not I her. She's given me a reason to challenge people's thinking, where they must admit that there is much more beyond the realm of heaven and hell. Jen is just too great to be held by the forces of death. She has ascended to the role of author after death, and I couldn't be any more proud. Jen, you are a hero to me, and as I sit here, I feel your presence, guarding me as if you are a guardian angel.

As I sit here, reading the clock, waiting for the final revisions to be done to “Hidden”, which is a book that is over 200,000 words in length, I wonder what the future holds. I'm not JLH, but I would like to say my connection with the other world is strong. I will be making this highly edited and revised version free for five days on Kindle, and I want to know your honest opinions. I'll give you my email at the end of this, and will include my main Twitter name when the book is finally (finally!) released! It's going to be great, as we can all become a family together and focus on what unites us: enlightenment. We are the future saviors of the world. Let's give Jen a huge welcome to this world. Heck yeah! Ciao!

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