It Could Be Someone You Know

It Could Be Someone You Know

Anyone could have it. Someone we think is a happy person may actually have it. Someone we never expect may have it. What I am talking about is depression. There is so many people out there that are sad or upset that we, as an international population, need to become more aware of the signs that indicate that the person is upset. No one wants to be sad and lonely. We need to help those people, who just might be you or you in the future.

Depression can happen to anyone and may lead to self-harm or suicide. You might think there is trained professionals who are monitoring this sort of thing, but the first line of defense in suicide prevention is those who are the closest to the victim. They're not in the wrong for feeling this way. I hope that we all aren't stupid enough to believe in heaven or hell. A person hurts themselves because they are suffering, not because they are some sort of evil person. The Idea of compassion dictates that we extend a hand to all of humanity. You might be surprised, too. Many interesting people are out there, and their illness or mood may only be just a blemish on what is otherwise an amazing person. Robin Williams, rest his soul, was one of them. He, of course, suffered from several mental issues.

We are in an age of ignorance throughout the world. Corporate giants have brainwashed us into thinking people don't die. People die more than they live. Performing artist Lacey Sturm and former lead singer of American rock group Flyleaf was such a case. She attempted to kill herself, and during the experience, she claimed to see angels. When she returned to the world of the living, she sung her song “All Around Me” which told of her near death experience. Since then, she has inspired countless hearts and minds world wide. Maybe she is an angel herself, returned from the sky to make everyone who's facing life alone strong enough survive. Here's to you, my angel.

A person who is depressed could be anyone. We can't let them die. We need to help them. We must save our friends and family. We must live in a life of love and compassion. Depression isn't something that just goes away. It's something that takes a toll on the person indefinitely. We can't leave them behind. If I could ever appeal to your hearts, remember that many great people have taken their own lives. It could be your friends and family next, or it could be you.

Internationally speaking. I would love to get to know you all. If you have any thoughts, share them with me. For those of you in the states, I'd love to know you, too. If you walk a path of enlightenment, I'm all for you. Contact info below. Ciao!

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