A New Age Of Enlightenment

A New Age Of Enlightenment

The idea is very simple. It's intricacies are deep, yet it is a great plan. The new age cannot be brought forth until we advance as a human race into a state of reasoning where we can accept that things are truth, whether we believe it or not. I cannot help those who refuse to listen, and neither can you. Christianity is the enemy to true understanding and wisdom. One cannot go anywhere if they are stuck in a land where the day ends and begins exactly the same way. Human progressive thought depends on the ability to accept all possibilities, meaning that finite religious thought is not preferable. Religion must cease from in a person before true enlightenment can begin.

It's not to say that the whole world is ignorant, just most. We are in an age right now where things like chaos rule. In my life, things are constant. I sleep, eat, read, write, and exercise the same. These activities are not dictated by religion, but more by necessity or survival. In my life, the need to educate my mind and harden my body is essential. I cannot hope to survive if I am not improving myself. What I write on this blog, for example, is an output for my need to communicate my ideas. Enlightenment is what I have, but it threatens to blow away at any time. This mere reality is as frightening as it is disheartening. This world does not want me to have enlightenment, plain and simple.

A new age must occur globally. As far as religion is concerned, how many people are actually still practicing it? If you are, is it worth it to you? My religious practices contain little more than praying for meals. Spirituality, however, is constant for me. Some time ago, I became tired of the gods ruling over my life. Begrudgingly, I took Artemis and Hera as my minor and major signs presiding over me, and more or less dumped religion. There is great irony over this, but I feel the gods are more spirits than they are Gods. I still do the whole sort of reflect and meditate thing, but I don't even know the religious significance of any of that.

I just want to be enlightened. I don't like how this world makes me feel. I'll do anything to break free from it. Do you want that? All people deserve love and compassion, and everyone deserves enlightenment, too. We don't have to rely on this world, not anymore. Let's all move towards a new age and embrace the idea that we are separate beings from the gods. We don't need to be foolish. Those limited thoughts are our enemy. Religion fails when infinite reality begins. Anything is possible, including people like me going to impossible heights because they believed in all things. Belief in everything means limitless faith, after all.

It's safe to say that all of you will have some thinking to do. Our karma is a product of our actions, not some sort of religious ideal. If you can grasp this, then your life will become something greater than it already is. Love you. Ciao!

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