Healing The Soul

Healing The Soul

Have you ever been so emotionally hurt that you swear you feel it within your soul? Sometimes, life becomes crazy, and I feel like the pain people feel does tear at the soul. Our soul is as strong as it is fragile. For us to understand our soul and how to heal its anguish, we must define what the soul is. The soul, by most people’s standards, is an immortal body that is a record of a person's deeds. It embodies both the good and the wicked ones’ actions. Our soul can be hurt like any other part of our psyche. Sometimes, it might feel as if it hurts worse than any other part of our being.

When our soul feels pain, it feels tarnished. We are not strong enough to stop our soul from bleeding. When a situation or event in our life hurts us emotionally, the soul will become injured, seeking vindication. It will cry for a chance to become its former self. Good souls seek to get back on track with lively and positive pursuits where a wicked soul seeks to do more harm. If you are reading this right now I logically assume you have a good soul. Fear not, for your soul's healing begins now. We live each day seeking to bring about positive changes to our life and others. When we can't help someone, (including ourselves,) we get frustrated. Often we think of ourselves as saints. That is our first mistake. We are not perfect and need to acknowledge ourselves as so. We trip often when we are too critical of ourselves and our consequent actions. Don't let your failures drag you down as you are only human, as all of us are.

Our soul is tender. Our soul, many think, is tied into our heart. When we have a good soul our heart is often in the right place. When our heart becomes broken, so does our soul. Our soul feels the same pain that our heart does. If our heart is not mended, neither will our soul be, and it may indulge on darker pathways. Our soul needs to follow the pathway of the light if we are to be truly happy. When your heart feels pain, please, remember how special you really are. Anyone who would be negative or cast evil towards you doesn’t know how amazing you are. Do whatever it takes to repair your heart and your weary soul. It may take weeks, it may take years, even, but in the end any amount of pain is worth enduring if it means saving your soul. Don't give up on your soul. It matters more than anything else.

Your soul has a body much like your own, although it does not resemble your physical body. When it incurs injury, you will not operate on your normal level. Repairing your soul is easy if you have sunlight. Spiritual sunlight grows and heals any of your soul’s ailments. A person grows only under the spiritual concept of light and not darkness. Do whatever it takes to bask in the eternal power of sunlight. Healing your soul is possible and I know you can do it. Don't let whatever you go through bring you down. Don’t let whatever breaks your heart weigh on you forever. Heal your soul and get back on track, for you are an immortal bodied creature that does not house you but instead your ever-living soul. Where your body fades your soul will be here, there or somewhere forever. Ciao!

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