Ponder Less And Dream More

The Free Will Myth

Everyone would like to believe they have free will. Even I would like to believe that I have free will, but at the same time I debate whether free will actually is a reality. It seems that each day my actions play out in a fairly predictable manner. Is my life a product of fate and not my own given will? Fate is a cruel mistress, and I believe she has full control over me. At this point, free will seems an impossibility, and I am more than happy to explain this belief of mine to you. Don't bother making decisions and forget it all to chase your dreams.

Free will is a great concept. It’d be great to be able to make my own decisions each and every day. However, at the end of each day, I seem to always have similar results. I watch the news, watch some sitcoms, write a few pages, listen to music, and work out. The events that happen in my life, outside of my own hands, seem almost random at times. Some people appear to me and say good things or help me out, but that seems random, too. Do I have any really strong ties with people? I do with a few, but once again they came into my life by chance. Is there any of my own will that plays out in my life? This I may never truly know.

Fate is what I believe in with a little mix of destiny. Once I read these words,

“Words lead to actions, actions lead to fate, and fate leads to destiny.”

These words were burnt into my brain the moment I read them. Does this mean my words ultimately matter more than anything else? As an alchemist and a writer I am thrilled at the possibility. Should I then moderate my words more than my actual actions? Maybe so, maybe so. Words have the power to alter both our lives and other people's lives. Our fate begins with mere words.

We start life dreaming. The dreams we chase shape our fate and hopefully our destiny. I've seen many cool people who are
and are passionate about their dreams. Maybe it's safe to say that our only choices in life come from the dreams we dare to chase. Well known fact, I think musicians are great. They have strength and courage that is blinding. They follow their dreams and leave many people like me inspired. Our dreams make us passionate and that's what really leads to our fates.

Free will is something that we should really just discard as an idea and instead make goals and chase after them. It's funny to mention that many people who believe in the zodiac also believe in free will, which is hypocritical in itself. We are people who do as we want to do, but what we want to do is often the result of some other invisible puppeteer. We don't need to get lost in the debate of whether free will is true or not. We just need to accept that we are ones who think big and dream even bigger. Don't worry about whether or not you are in control of your actions because I think none of us are. Ciao!

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