This Binding World

This Binding World

The world is a binding place. It offers pleasures to those who seek it, should they be able to pay the cost. This world, in fact, offers all sorts of delights for those willing to walk on its narrow path. What it cannot offer you is happiness. Any happiness that comes from this world is artificial and only temporary. Don't be fooled by this world: seeking enlightenment is the only way to discover true happiness and joy.

Enlightenment alleviates the chains that bind us to this world. To seek enlightenment is to escape everything this world tries to enforce upon our bodies and minds. I have studied all sorts of philosophies and religions. None of them defined the way I felt completely. My inner belief is that all gods are all one and separate at the same time. A god appears to each land as the image that is most soothing to those who inhabit that area. Despite all of these complicated polytheistic and monotheistic theories, there was one philosophy that I was drawn to, and that was Buddhism. I sought out a companion way of living, and that was the ability to engage in spiritually cleansing behaviors that lead to a path of higher understanding. Buddhism believes in love and compassion for all beings. Buddhism believes in refraining from eating meat and the philosophy abhors violence. There is many other precepts that makes Buddhism great, such as the law of dharma.

Now you're probably asking why a witch like me would ever want enlightenment. That's all I've ever wanted. I may worship a deity that is something from yore, but I still want to be away from this world. I live off of the bare minimum and I am very happy with that. I don't need excess, and Buddhism is a philosophy to me. I want karma, and I want to live a life full of enlightenment. This world has nothing it can offer me. My ability to write comes from my own personal self and I am happy to say that my success comes from generating good karma. We are all unique individuals and all of us deserves love and respect. We aren't some type of people that aren't worthy of the same personal rights of others. No one is greater and all are not lesser. I believe in equality and enlightenment has led me to this conclusion. I want to love, and do nothing but that. Some day, maybe I'll grasp the belief of humanity. I live under one goddess, but I still believe that everyone should be entitled to their own belief. I want to love everyone and seek enlightenment.

I’ve heard all things in life are worth considering. We don't need to live our lives in fear. We've lived too long under Christian totalitarianism to limit the way we think and believe. Whether it's Buddhism, paganism, Hinduism, Shintoism, or animism, seek enlightenment the way you feel is correct. Don't let a preacher sell you a way of life. Think for yourself and discover reality from the most correct of all views: your own. Ciao!

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