Our Unsafe Streets

Our Unsafe Streets

I go through this what seems like every time I go out. Our town, Spokane, which is in Washington State, is plagued with crime, with most of it tied into drugs. There is so much crime that the cops here can't present a real plan to keep our city safe. Begging and panhandling is such a problem in this town that it is illegal. Most of the begging is for them to receive money to buy drugs and alcohol. I don't really care if you like drugs and alcohol, because I believe it kills your link with your soul. I don't need drugs and alcohol as I only need my beloved mother goddess. I'm a witch, and I won't interfere with your life as long as you don't interfere with mine. Now, let's continue my story that occurred today.

Three kids, two of them white and the other was African American, tried to beg me for money when me and my wife were walking to the bus plaza. I tried to ignore them, but they were pushy, just like all punks are. I gave them a few choice words and pulled out my phone to dial 911 as my wife armed herself with mace. They tried to ask me for my ID, for god knows what reason, and I think it was to look in my wallet. They fled, and walked the other way, where they proceeded to beg another person. Just remember these people are such cowards they can't challenge one unarmed man. I can't fight anyone, as I have a MMA background and don't honestly believe in violence. Being a vigilante is against the law, and a man who knows karate, kung fu, and taekwando is no match for punk teenagers. I train each day, throwing hundreds of punches, just to make sure no one hurts my family. I understand African Americans are mistreated, but maybe they shouldn’t try to strong arm strangers who are walking on the streets. You want respect than stop being drug addict punks. As racist as that is, remember I worship gods from Africa.

Who the heck is going to deal with these losers on the streets? Maybe I don't care about drug addicts and think they should all be put in prison. Drug addicts often don't change and they are endangering the fair citizens of the United States. Remember, your games won't work with me, for I am the pen of justice and I will pray for your soul. I'm not like you. I am someone who loves and I would do anything to protect the people of this world. Evil, you have been reckoned. I'm tired of all of the people who are afraid of you punk drug addicts who bully people out of their money. Just remember, three of you couldn't do that to me. If you even think of hurting my family, then I’ll give you some advice: start praying. I'm only a hero because of my choice to do good and obey the law of justice. I'm better than those drug addict punks because I have a soul, and it is a beautiful one. If you have been hurt by criminals, just give me a call in your mind. I'll be there, holding your hand spiritually, for I'm your guardian angel. Always remember, kings never die. Ciao!

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