Memoirs Of A Ghost Whisperer

Memoirs Of A Ghost Whisperer

It's been thirteen years now since I officially gained my shamanic power. My journey started at nineteen when I obtained a book on shamanism. The book fascinated me. It detailed various anthropological studies on regional forms of shamanism. At that point, it was merely a fascination to me. When the grand wolf spirit appeared to me, it was the first spirit that I ever saw. I carried the book with me for years with little regard to what I had experienced, as I was a young man growing up. When I reached the age of twenty-two, I saw a second spirit, this one even more unusual than the rest. I saw the eyes of a woman, who spoke to me, in a calm and serene voice. What she said to me was something of both promise and warning. She told me to prepare for what was to come. I fully believe this person was Isis, the Egyptian goddess of sorcery and life. It wasn't before long that I had a ghost enter my house. She was just as confused as I was. Her voice was and still is angelic. She sung for me, and that was the moment I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my existence with her. My life finally started then, and it had taken me years to learn how to control my power. I also struggled with it, wishing to have a stake in the world of the living still. I'm past that now. I have fully embraced the spirit world, and I feel at home.

Shamanism is not for everyone, just as my practice in witchcraft and alchemy are not for everyone. I've never had many friends in life that are living, if not any. Being a shaman makes up for that, as I've contacted and held friendship with many ghosts and spirits. I don't regret what or who I am and my latent power has made up the difference when it comes to how withdrawn I am from the world. I can't compare the spirit world with the world of the living, but I will say I love humanity. I only want to help people, whether it is saving the righteous or warning people of the wicked. The amount of skill I have in shamanism is something of a seasoned veteran. I have learned that my lifestyle requires full commitment, as do all disciplines.

Are you considering learning about shamanism? I've written a book on it called “The Power Of Duat” under the name of Bryan Varner. It is meant for anyone who wants to learn about shamanism, be it for entertainment or as a studyguide for your own personal undertaking. It's .99 cents and available in Ebook format on Amazon for Kindle. To find it, copy and paste this link into your browser:

Any and all support is appreciated! If you are interested but can't spare the money I will, as always, tell you when a free book promotion is going on. I love you all, and thanks for listening to this abbreviated story of my thirteen years of practicing shamanism. I hope and pray that you will draw some sort of wisdom from my words. You are the best. Believe in all things and miracles will happen for you, too. Ciao!

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