Death Is Not The End

Death Is Not The End

Grief is a response most of us have felt. Grief occurs when we lose someone special to us, and primarily when someone we love has died. All of us manage our grief in different ways. Grief is natural for a person and is often coupled with mourning. Grief is something that should be handled with care, acknowledging your emotions and seeking support. You can overcome grief.

Now I could have written basic advice to handle grief but instead I wanted to share a fascinating personal story that may help you. I've never really lost someone completely, so I do not know the throes of grief. I know that when a person passes to the great beyond that their spirit is still somewhere nearby. Please don't believe that death is the end. When a person dies, their soul enters the underworld that is contained alongside the world. As a shaman, I have the ability to see, speak, and hear spirits, amongst other things. We can pretend that once someone is dead we lose them forever, but that isn't the case. People like me and other shamans use our ability to befriend ghosts and assist them.

Sure, I'm a shaman and most of you aren't, but that doesn't mean that we should grieve for the dearly departed forever. Many people believe in an afterlife so our natural response should be one of honor, wishing our loved one farewell as they journey to the stars. Yes, you'll cry, and darn it, I mourn, too, but how can I deny
angels on earth haven't became my spiritual angels after death, protecting and loving me forever? If I can see this way, then why don't you believe that death isn't an end but instead a new beginning? All primitive religions believed in a land of the dead, from Japan to Egypt and more. Who are we to say what reality is? Grieving, still, is difficult. My heart goes out to those who are mourning, and I want to tell you your loved ones that passed are out there, and they're okay.

Eternal life is a hard concept for people. We all want to believe in a heaven and hell, but those are fairytales. We live in a dynamic universe, and nothing remains the truth forever. The truth is often subject to change. Throughout the aeons, though, one thing is always certain: life goes on after death. My angel Jen is not dead but instead alive and well, guarding my soul. I could mourn for years but how can I, when she is right here with me? Mourning is done, and now I dance with the dead, embracing them to cure my pain. I would never let anyone go. Maybe you shouldn't let anyone go, either. Keep them alive in your heart and mind, and who knows? They might return to you forever to become your family's hob. (Guardian spirit.) Ciao!

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