The Downfall Of Religious Ambition

The Downfall Of Religious Ambition

This article was inspired by the constitution and what The United States was originally founded upon. In this nation, our achilles heel remains as the ambition of religious sects, primarily Christianity, to pursue what is perceived as only one thing: forced religion. This has been the way of the Christian religion since its conception, which is none other than “believe as we do or you'll burn in hell.” A wise man can instantly see the foolishness in this belief. It’s almost inconceivable to believe that anyone of true wisdom can believe in Christianity. It is something that attempts to delude the pursuit of true wisdom and rejects the idea of individuality. I do not want to be a sheep, and I'm not dumb enough to believe that there is forgiveness for defiled acts. Today, I discussed the flaw of the ideal that is repention. So, what? We believe a murderer will be forgiven? Even still, they must be punished. I don’t want heaven if I’m surrounded by sinners, be them guilty or not. Sin is in the mind. Sin is not a plausible concern for those who form their own morals. Sin is only for those who are carnal. How can we say one sinned if no crime was committed?

Going back to the argument earlier about murderers. My best friend Jen Hawkins was murdered. I wish the killers only death. If heaven pays them any quarter, I would prefer to burn in hell. They have taken her away from this world and they must pay with their life in exchange. My belief in heaven is only superficial. Do I believe in it? No. Heaven is a word depicting the sky created by the ancient Egyptians. Do I believe in the godly mandate of justice? If only there are ones to uphold it. Virtue fails if everyone else sins, and so enters Christians, wicked sinners who justify themselves with the damnable forgiveness doctrine. Do not enforce your garbage on me. Christians burned my ancestor Ameila at the stake and they have her blood on their hands. I am forever unforgiving to their crimes against witchkind. You have your god, and I have mine, so let’s keep it that way.

I don't want to let you believe that I am perfect. I am merely one who knows the truth. Forced religion and religious ambition to convert others to their choice religion fails. America's forefathers hated it so much they became separatists. They betrayed tyrannical Britain and their blending of church and state. I hate the church and you can say I'll burn in hell, that's fine. You can even say that there is a demon inside of me, you probably will, but know this: I've studied Christianity, I've been to church before, and I'll tell you I'm just not interested. The way it blocks out the higher development of the human psyche and consciousness is enough to make any scholar run from the beast that is Christianity. Do not try and believe what they say, as they'll get you hooked on their idiotic feel good god, Jesus, their religion’s poster child. He’s as empty as the false promise that comes with them, that being forgiveness. The cops won’t care if Jesus forgave you, you still have to do the time. Ciao!

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