

Since the rise of North Korea as a major nuclear weapon power, the buzz within the UN has been denuclearization. Many nations support it, but there are many nations that oppose it, like North Korea, but they’re not the main opponent. The United States Of America is the number one opponent of denuclearization. With the instability in the White House and the fact that America is one of the nations notorious for stockpiling nukes but also the only nation to ever use a nuclear weapon. That’s right, people: the U.S. is an obstacle to world peace. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you.

War is the worst thing imaginable. War shouldn’t be a reality. Now, the onset of nuclear war is looming on the horizon. There is no real possible way to enforce denuclearization. Who and how many entities would enforce the policy? How would you stop madmen like Donald Trump from concealing nukes? How good can GPS detect said hidden nukes? What would be the penalty for breaking the policy? What would happen if a nation like China, North Korea, The United States, Iran, or Russia launched a nuke with no other nation having a way to respond to the threat? Nuclear weapons should not exist in the first place but it is still a reality we have to face.

We can't pretend nuclear weapons will disappear, on the nations own accord or by enforcement. I love the dream, though. What liberal wouldn't love the dream? People, some things will always exist only as dreams. The dead already killed by war nuclear weapons will not come back to life nor will war or violence disappear. God is not real and will not stop the world from harming people. Although I have a conception of an all-loving mother goddess, it does not mean that I believe that an utopia on Earth where violence ceases forever will ever be made. People fight and die, that’s what they do. Denuclearization must be disregarded and held as a dream.

Denuclearization will not happen as long as The United States is a nation. North Korea is only the obvious threat. With the guilty pleas of Trump's campaign team coming forth for illegal involvement during the 2016 election, I can honestly say that Trump's days in office are truly numbered. Trump will continue to make idiotic remarks on Twitter, that will always be the statement of old and feeble men like him. He will never even consider nuclear disarmament as long as war is profitable. We must as a people resist the ideas of nuclear weapons and protest it in our hearts. Silent protests will steel our hearts and minds against violent ideas that come from war and other types of worldly schemes. I can’t change the way this world programs people to be lovers of violence. I do not wish violence on any person but I do want to say that those who oppose peace are the real problems. Death and killing is still just that. Military and the establishment of armies don’t protect but merely help to deter from invasions and other types of violent actions from other nations. We live in a broken world that will always believe that war is the answer. Ciao!

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