Death Simulator

Death Simulator

China has been one of the countries that has always treated death as taboo in the past. It was not until recently that death has inspired any sort of conscious thought. They introduced in Shanghai the “Death Simulator” which introduces virtual cremation for a person to experience. In the Death Simulator, the person is surrounded by projections of flames and a “heat wave” fills the small space in which the person is laying. This is supposed to make the person feel as if they are being cremated. Will this inspire Chinese people to think in new ways about the deceased?

I first learned about the Death Simulator a few days ago on a program ran by NHK called Asian Insight. The program also featured a doctor who cares for terminally ill cancer patients who choose what is like a “dignified end” over expensive and painful treatment. Within the hospice, the patients receive painkillers and are able to spend time with family and friends before dying. This is revolutionary in China. I'm starting to believe that China may be a place of a new age of consciousness in the future.

The Death Simulator is as terrifying as it is enlightening. Will it cater more to the curious or those seeking thrills? It's a once in a life time experience, I'm sure. I have extreme empathy and sympathy for the dead and when I saw the program about the doctor and the Death Simulator on PBS, I felt such good emotion. I felt as if my dream is also being carried on through others. The feelings I have about the Death Simulator are sort of spilt. It really would trigger intense emotions and feelings in people, but one could see it as a way to also trigger fear in people. Should people be afraid of death? No, but it happens.

My grandmother had cancer and died from it. She fought it and obviously lost. It took her three years before death sought in. Was I heartbroken? My feelings over death are not mortal. I believe that the soul lives on. I even believe in rebirth. What life after death for me is different from what other people think. Everyone has a different point of view on many things in life, especially on death. All I want to tell you is that life is beautiful because we have the power to believe in different things.

Maybe the Death Simulator will make it to places throughout
world one day. We could all take part in a virtual cremation and scream our heads off, right? Maybe the virtual cremation will trigger thoughts in our mind that trigger empathy for those who have died. Maybe the thoughts we will turn us to seek a higher power. I believe whatever result we get from experiencing the Death Simulator, would be one of positive fruit. We need to update our thoughts on death. The Death Simulator is just the thing that will do it for several people. Don't cry for the dead, don't pray for the dead, just believe that death is not the end. Also, if you are ever in Shanghai, go and take the Death Simulator for a spin. Ciao!

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