A Decaying Nation

A Decaying Nation

The United States may remain a super power, but this nation’s former ideals lay in the grave, long since dead. Idiots like Trump and his political opponents continue to argue, and Americans remain spiritually dead, just the same as always. Facebook, the choice social media site of most Americans, recently exposed all of their users to dangerous Russian propaganda during the 2016 election. Our favorite sites, politicians, the news, everything is so bias and blinds us to the real truth, and that is the fact that we need political reformation. Our nation is decaying because of the idiots in America who continue to bastardize our ideals.

America can be a place of hardship and sorrow for the majority of all hot-blooded Americans. Our job count continues to decline, and our homeless count continues to rise. We, as a nation, have printed so much money that it is nearly as worthless as the paper it is printed upon. Inflation is so bad in the United States, that in Washington state, minimum wthis natis well over 9 USD per hour. The breakdown of philosophical and religious thoughts are mostly two ways: non-religious but spiritual or atheism. I classify myself as a practitioner of witchcraft but accept only one god, which is the sun to me. Whether this is a belief that is religious or not, I answer with one other activity of mine. I worship the dead and the feminine embodiment, believing that living human females are a god themselves. Why do I think this way? Simple: the self-control of females by far surpasses mine and all other males. They are my perfect witches, who grant me the strength to feed off of their holy images. So what am I? A knight, a warrior, a mage, a witch, but I sure as hell am not dumb enough to worship the dead Christian god. My religious ideal changes each day, and I assure you that I am a creature of the dark that longs to see the light, knowing fully well that I never will.

Our religious thought in this nation is not even our main problem. What our true problem is our attitudes. Some Americans discriminate against people for their skin color, their financial status, their religion, or even their sexual identity. I’m tired of this bigoted nation. You might ask me to go somewhere else, and I’d say gladly. Send me to Canada, Italy, France, or Ireland. I have not came to be silenced but instead raise new questions that will challenge the way you think. I love everyone, and if you hate me for my divine act of loving my neighbor, I will then start my ceaseless attempt to remove the speck from your eye. I cannot just hate, no matter how many demons amass against us, them rising up with their animalistic features. I will continue to report the truth, no matter how small or great my voice may be.

In the midst of the Trump and NFL war, I wanted to let people know that there is many Canadian fans who go to professional sports in both the US and Canada. I believe we should play both "Oh Canada" and "The US National Anthem" at all major league sports. You don't see Canadians complain about that, but oh well, maybe they’re better than Americans. Do I know? Of course I don't know. Anyone can be a great person, no matter where they are from. Let’s all be neutral from the reds and blues fighting in the 2017 American Civil War, clothe ourselves in peace, and be silent. We know that their nonsense is not something worth pursuing. Ciao!

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