

Parenthood is a tough topic and an even tougher task. Many of us are parents, including us. Ameila is twelve, and has an isolated view of the world, as most children do. She is also good spirited, yet angers still a little too easily, like many kids also do. She wants to be a singer, like her mother, and believes her dad is a superhero. Her mom has raised her with honesty and morals, and I have provided her what emotional strength I can, letting her make her own decisions, myself fully trusting her. Ameila doesn’t want to make friends with her peers, only associating with her aunts and older adopted sister. It’s a concern, but I believe in a few years she will want too many friends. What I wanted to explain to you is how we parent her, and I hope it can help you as a parent. It’s not my place to tell you how to raise your child, but I am so happy with Ameila’s development, that I wanted to share.

Ameila came into this world with much joy, but she had a very confusing future ahead of her. Jen couldn’t be with me much, as she constantly nurtured Ameila. It was not until Ameila reached five that Jen and I had more time together. Ameila gained an obsession with dolls, and in later years began to make her own. She wanted to sing, as her mother sang her to sleep for her first seven years. Ameila is at the point where she is discovering her identity and has to cope with the fact that making friends her own age may be enjoyable. This is most parents nightmare, a child becoming a teenager. Ameila believes in the afterlife, but still will get into trouble if she gives into peer pressure. We offered her the chance to go to a private school, but declined, wanting to still be homeschooled by her mother. Jen knows that Ameila may want to go to a place to be around others her age soon, and explains to her about friends and what is not just a possibility but an inevitibility: boys. Ameila has a pleasant soul and that is her biggest weakness. She can be emotionally hurt very easily, as she is ultimately human like everyone. Jen tells Ameila about how men and women should treat each other, emphasizing respect. Her adopted older sister, Siri, safeguards her, but can only help her so much, as they are six years apart. I pray for her, I really do. Ameila is a wonderful girl and takes after her mother. I won’t teach her swordsmenship until she’s an adult but I have taught her basic karate so she can protect herself. Ameila is smart for her age, and understands that people may hurt her. She isn’t afraid of the future, but between you and me, she worries about being away from us. Jen worries, too. For me, it is my nightmare. She is my only descendant, and even though she is strong for her age, is vulnerable.

We will raise her with honesty and encouragement. She won’t be punished for failure. She will be the next great one to rise up, at least in our hearts. She will make someone besides us happy one day. She is a hero in the making, all because she is raised with attention and love. Ciao!

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