Another Road

Another Road

For every road that ends, there is another road to travel. Every day we face new challenges, and some things will inevitably come to an end. The nature of life is one of a changing shape and form, and we come to accept that very same principle harshly. No one wants what they love to end, whether it be the passing of a family member or the death of a friendship. Often, we believe that life will never get better again. We don't have to imagine what could have been, and instead we should start to consider searching for the beginning of another road.

Every road is worth the trip. At the end of each is an invaluable resource called one of life's lessons. What wisdom we take from each path, be them happy or disheartening, is worth remembering. I can't tell you how wise I've became after much trial and error. When another road becomes available in my life, I become the fool, ready to rush down that path recklessly. No one can deny that the fool has the most enthusiasm of all. We can't ever be sure where each path leads, but we do know one thing for sure: that one must keep a good attitude to ever survive this harsh life.

When something changes in my life, I have to be prepared. What challenges you will face on each new road will be, safe to say, new. We cannot overcome what challenges that this life has in store for us without being ready for them. The analogy is simple. Preparation is everything. A wise man once told me that that life is ninety percent preparation and ten percent execution. What we do has to be planned out, there's no getting around it. If you are to brave the trials that each new road has laid out for you, then you must have the skills ready to use to get through them. We cannot forget what we have learned on the previous roads we traversed.

The start of another road can seem promising or bleak. It's best to not dwell on the past. Think of the good, not the bad. Focusing on negative things will only do you in. The roads we walk down are long and difficult. We cannot run from our past, nor can we run from the challenges that the future has ready for you. The enemy that is our own mind and its lack of confidence has trained hard just to throw you off of your horse. You may falter, but remember this advice: you must always get up and never give up. You are too strong and too precious to me for you to fall. I wish I could be there with you, as your companion, walking the road with you. Until that dream becomes a reality, I will be there with you in spirit, lighting your path, both on this blog and as your guardian angel. I'm not here to let you down, but here to protect you with whatever good advice and interesting information that I can provide. I'm not going to let you down. I'll be here with you until the bitter end and ever after. Don't let the start of another road leave you in agony. It's the start of a potentially happy new future. Ciao!

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