What Doctors Don't Want You To Know

What Doctors Don't Want You To Know

 Doctors are pill pushers, the legal drug dealers of the world. Medication causes many common side effects, creating new health issues for you so you can go back to the same doctor you had gone to in the first place. They profit on making the human body corrupt. Nowadays, with America's god awful healthcare, they are trying to overbill insurance, as they have for way too long. They are screwing tax payers with unneeded specialist care and services that don't have to do with healthcare at all. Unify Community Health Clinic of Spokane, Washington, here in the United States, is one really bad example of this. They have doctors who are downright overweight and have poor vision who are trying to diagnose health issues in others, when they suck so bad at medical science, that they can't take care of themselves. These slobs look like they belong in some special home because they are just that unhealthy. How would you feel if someone who can't even take care of themselves was trying to tell you what's wrong with you? America's healthcare is so corrupt that it is just best to steer away from them. Why have idiots try to take care of those who are intellectually superior to them? Shouldn't it work the other way around? 

 I have not been sick most of my natural life. I eat healthy, I stay mentally sound, and I clean myself. I don't even get colds or the flu. One may say my alchemy sustains me, but at the same time I will say most people's health issues come from the doctors and their prescriptions themselves. America is heading to hell, and there will be no god that saves them. People in the Bible never needed physicians, surgeons, or dentists. They did not take drugs, and relied on god for healing. If the Christian God is so great, then why are all of the Christians complaining about health and running to atheistic doctors for cures and not seeking God for comfort and healing? It's because those damnable Christians don't believe in God at all. He is just a cheap word for them to throw around. One family in particular, the Buckner family, of Muskogee, Oklahoma, swears they know God, despite the fact they are all obese, with severe health problems, and all three of them are incontinent. I know several families like the Buckners, who are just full of it. Healthcare is a lie, and the doctors don't want you to know the truth. Doctors will poison you with the same cure they're selling you. God, have you ever looked at how much they are charging insurance for the drugs they're selling you? We have to pay a hospital for lifesaving care? Who ever thought they were not corrupt? Doctors are not angels of death, but more demons of corruption. Bring forth the greatest Harvard graduate of all time, and let him see if he can cure as well as me, living descendant of the greatest German doctor ever, Faust. My ancestor is the most celebrated of all German minds, and as a herboligist and natural healer, I would send the Harvard graduate home, crying, with their pride broken. I know it sounds like I am bragging, but spend a hour with me, and you will see why my ego is so big.


Doctors are killing millions in America. Planned Parenthood is an abomination, and should be removed from the Earth. They murder the babies of promiscuous women, saying the women's lust was worth the murder of children. Quite honestly, I do not fear anything, and I want bigger opponents to face. I want nothing more than to prove myself intellectually superior to the scholar with the highest honors otherwise. I want to do it for you, for without your support, I would be a king with no people. I love you, and that is what keeps my persona in check. What is all this intelligence with no application? Right now, I am going to tell you that doctors are out there, trying to kill you with those drugs. Those side effects are evil, and the chemicals they use to make the pills are things that should never go in the human body. As an alchemist, I would know. I was given a crown, and I had stolen it from the other kings. I want to make a name for myself, and I want to do it for you, the people. My medical knowledge tells me that they are just railroading every American to make money off of them, any way possible. Rise up with me, and let this world know we aren't going to let these merchants of death practice any longer. 

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