Our Lying Media

Our Lying Media Truth 

is something we believe is in the media, whether it be news or documentaries, and anything else presented as fact. I have some news for you people, what they say on the media is far from the truth. The U.S. Military never captured Osama Bin Ladin, as there was no physical proof. Osama Bin Ladin was on dialysis when he went into hiding, and probably died long before the supposed capture. Several Hollywood actors never die, and only presented by the news as dead. This is merely a way for the industry players to escape their dead-end life of fame. The lying preachers on television hardly ever tell you religious truth, and are just white collar crooks trying to steal money from ignorant old woman. The news shows you events that they want you to see, and ignore showing news that isn't designated by the world's secret ruling elite. The entire world is controlled by the filtered truth, blinding the masses, and making actual truth seem like a contraband. We live in a world that hates us. The New World Order’s plan to overthrow the masses, offering nothing but death to them, and their go to method is to destroy them through an activity that many people on Earth share, that being the viewing of television. 

 Television was created with malevolent intentions. Many people amongst the ruling elite knew of its mind control capabilities, and started investing in researching subliminal messaging. Many people in the early days of television were seduced into the slow death that is cigarette smoking by seeing the film stars they idolize smoking in movies. It's sad to note that many of the film stars never smoked except on film. Often I am sure that they didn't even so much as even inhale. As for the news, they have a propaganda to stick to, and show you only news that would influence your opinion on things that can prove financially in the ruling elite’s favor. There is many things for one to gain should they shape the masses’ opinion to a more acceptable form. The preaches in both church and on the television do not preach biblical doctrine. I am going to explain one that many people have wrong about Christianity. In Jewish translations of the old testament, there was no heaven and hell, but one place that all went to, named Sheol. Otherwise, original texts of the Bible never mentioned the words heaven or hell once. Additionally, the Bible states that no one is in heaven or hell now, and are all laying in the grave, waiting for the end times be fulfilled. Also, only one will go to a place to perish, that being Satan, and it is referred to as the lake of fire, and not hell. We have been sold delusions of heaven and hell by television, preachers, greeting cards, and our own ignorance. We cannot be foolish any longer. I know it’s nice to think grandma is in heaven, but, by your own Bible, that is impossible.

 Television has destroyed our lives. Read a book, people, go outside. Go hang out with friends. Whatever you may do, don't let that television control you any longer. Don't you remember your mother telling you to not watch too much television when you were growing up? Heck, I have wasted too many of hours of my life in foolish pursuits, but at least I can say that not too many of them were lost while watching television. Think about all of the propaganda put into making people lust after others. We've had our marriages destroyed by too much of that garbage. I'm not asking for an angry mob, but more a few good allies that I can rely on. I swear, by my blade, I will fight for you, and I will reveal all of the evils of this world, just give me time. I will always be faithfully yours, to the bitter end. Ciao!
