The Vampire: Blessing And Curse, Life Through Death

The Vampire: Blessing And Curse, Life Through Death

 Vampires are one of the greatest notions in both fiction and literature, being a peculiar fascination for many. The allure is their fictional portrayal, being one of both nobility and infamy. They walk a line in between life and death, humanity and monstrosity. The myths and folklore spread throughout the different cultures regarding vampires is robust. We don't have to believe in vampires, because in our hearts and minds, they are already real.

 Vampire follow the premises that they are living corpses that live forever by feeding off the lifeforce from humans, that being mostly blood, as well as a few other things. Many cultures have varying tales to explain what a vampire is, but mostly we follow the principle of European lore, that they are corpses brought back from the dead to terrorize their former neighborhoods as an act of vengeance. They are shapeshifters, mostly able to transform into bats, wolves, and mist. In many movies and books, they are portrayed as sophisticated, intelligent, and romantic, at least, that is, in their own way. They have powers over psychic abilities and hypnotism, using both to their advantage to further their diabolical schemes. Their greatest strength and weakness is the same thing, that being their curse of everlasting life. What would you do with their gift? Do you think you'd get bored, being a creature of the night who lives forever? Would you enjoy it at first, and then later on lament over your grave misfortune, watching everyone die around you? Or would you embrace the dark curse, reveling in the nature of the undead? 

 Vampires were thought to be real in almost every continent of the world. Many believe in vampires, they just believe they are slightly different than what authors and writers imagine them as. Some believe they are empathic, feeding off other’s emotions. Whether or not that will cause a person to live forever, many don't know, because it is impossible to verify one lives for more than the average lifespan of others, as one would have to record them the whole time as someone who does not change in appearance could be mistaken as someone else. The act of drinking blood itself is perhaps illegal in most regards, so it would be said a real vampire would be highly secretive. They would be just too hard to track accurately.

 The ancient Egyptians were perhaps one of the first to imagine the undead, and thus vampires. The tale of Isis and Osiris hint at vampirism. The identity of Pharaoh being both Horus and Osiris is a dual identity as both living and dead, thus, undead. We don't have to imagine what a vampire could have been like then, as we can only guess that the vampire was a higher being, a deity, if you will.

 Whether or not there really is real life vampires you don't have to form an opinion to enjoy them in movies and books. Who doesn't want to imagine what it would be like to be immortal, beautiful and passionate? Our minds are intrigued always by the aspect of cheating death. We could avoid everything and work on our endeavors if only we were undead. Embrace the night, my friends, and live as one of the chosen creatures, the one we can see in our dark fantasy worlds. Ciao!
