The Mind’s Need For Freedom

The Mind’s Need For Freedom 

 Our minds, in all of their glory, need freedom. The human mind finds refuge in the ability to form its own ideas and thoughts. Throughout the world, our ability to think and act independently is slowly being taken away from us. The subtle and literal stripping of humanity's right to think on their own and form their own opinions is slowly but surly quickly fading away. This is all a part of the world's secret rulers plan to eliminate all resistance in each and every human being. Our only defense to the world's lies is the shield that is the skill to produce our own viewpoints. If we are unable to think on our own, then our enemies who would control us will take away our hearts and souls. What are we to do? 

 Think of where most programming of the human brain occurs. When we attend school, be it as an adolescent or college as an adult, they sell us the world's ideas. The world's ideas enter our mind and control us, making us believe what we learned in school as ultimate truth. As we grow up, we learn of new ideas and rationalities, ones that seek to destroy what schools sold us and undefiable truth. Some will find error in what the school has spoon fed us as truth, and some will continue to believe the brief and often false information that the schools have shoved down our throat. We are always at the mercy of our relentless propaganda troops, spreading the gospel of lies and hate. I do not want to accept what I learned from this world as truth, for truth comes in many forms and what the world believes is not one of them. They teach the ideals of the immoral, believing that religious statute is a mere coin for them to toss around. Whatever I believe should not effect my ability to learn the truth, which should be supported by the backbone that is my own opinion. Although we hate opinions, all of us have one, but I'm ashamed to say that much of humanity does not have one of their own. Never adopt someone else's opinion for no good reason, as this is a stumbling block, leading to utter and certain failure. We must construct our own opinions and views on the world and what goes through the human mind. We must, for the lack of better words, control our own minds and not let others control what messages and ideas roll through our normally solid minds.

 People's opinions do matter, and yes, often they clash, but that is what makes this world so great. People try to sell philosophical and religious ideas to us all the time, but hey, you know what, we have the power to reject them. I do not want to feel like I am forever controlled by the ideas of the masses, and you shouldn't either. We can't live our lives hiding in another's shadow, and the lies of the world has stolen everything from us, including our ability to independently think. It's time we take our minds and hearts back. We must stand against those who would seek to sculpt our minds.
