Talking It Out

Talking It Out 

 Many people spend their whole lives bottling in what really bothers them. They never have a chance to talk it out, as they are often worried about what others think. When we do have the chance to talk things out, be them past feelings or present ones, we all function better, as if we have released our own personal demons. Let those feelings out before they devour you from the inside. Everyone should be allowed to express what really gets to them.

 Many people live in families where both men and women are too afraid to express their true feelings to each other. They may even misinterpret when people do want to talk about something that is troubling them, claiming the person is “whining” or complaining. This obviously is never the case. People don't tend to complain about something unless it actually bothers them. Many males are guilty of dismissing their wives descention by labeling it as nagging or whining. This is nothing more than the unempathetic male attempting to justify their own seedy behavior by putting down anyone's judgment. The male will ultimately gain the hatred of their wife and the rest of their family as he ignores and puts down anyone's questioning eye. This type of behavior is all too common in males, and makes it next to impossible to discuss each other's feelings. 

 People want to talk things out. Strong families often talk things out, operating on neutral grounds where each other's feelings can be acknowledged and validated. If our feelings are not validated by someone else it only does the reverse effect, making the person feel as if their feelings are incorrect. As we talk about our feelings, we also need to let the other person, be them significant other or just a friend, know how the feelings make us behave. Have you been losing sleep, feeling anxious, worrying, or feeling afraid because of these feelings? Are you feeling sad or just flat out unspecial because of what is bothering you inside? You need to let your loved ones know all of this, and if they aren't man enough to acknowledge your feelings as real and legitimate, then you need to reconsider why you are with the person. So many women are emotionally abused and battered because of their abusive husbands. Maybe women should just kick these guys to the curb. I know that women often stay with their mate just because of family, but sometimes I feel personal happiness is more important than sacrificial behavior. I respect women who can stay in abusive relationships in the name of family, because I don't think I could. 

 Talk everything out, as you will feel so much better after you do. It's the key to all healthy relationships. If someone doesn't want to talk about how you feel, consult someone who can, be them a friend or a family therapist. This isn't a game, this thing we call life. No partner should be too controlling, as true love knows respect and meeting the other partner at the halfway point. You get what you give, after all, and a real man should be sensitive enough to talk with their partner about their emotions and how they feel. If you can't do this with your partner, then you don't deserve them, and you belong with the trash people who are abusive and can't even get through one day without emotionally and physically abusing someone. If you don't like what I say, then prove me wrong and show your partner respect and talk about their emotions. Talk it out and you'll feel so much better about everything. Ciao!
