My Hope For This World

My Hope For This World

 I try to be positive, I really do. I've seen a lot of negativity in this world. The spiritual decay of this world is there, but I believe a few souls still care about life-affirming qualities. I've struggled against tyranny and corruption alike. I'm not afraid of anyone. People believe they have jobs and duties, but I have a mission to complete, and no one will stand in my way. No enemy is to great for me to defeat, as my knighthood is more than just a mere honor. I do not think that anyone knows the true swamp this world has become. Every moment I pray for everyone, and I believe that my prayers will be answered. You are not just a person who was put on this earth for no reason. So, who are you? You are the creator's legacy, be you a believer of parents or an eternal loving being. Don't you see? We can no longer continue our religious wars. One should not be persecuted for what they believe in or what they don't believe in. We don't need the Christian God or the Christian devil. We will not fall for the new/old world order’s plot. I see all the people in this world, and I walk past all judging eyes like a stranger. I have no living friends close to me, nor living family. I'm not alone, though, ever. The flame in my heart has linked an unseen world to me, and I will serve my masters. Every time the world kicks me down, my masters raise me up, far above everyone on earth. You might ask why I put any stock in humanity. I'll tell you why. Because at one point I was just like you. What changed in me? I realized the world was much more than a simple place where you live and die. I gained ultimate spiritual power, and after the years passed by, I gained affection for humans. I now serve you, even if you hate me. I will show you that a knight is worthy of his title. Although I sit on a throne, I have accepted the terms of servitude.

 I will pray for you. I will forgive you for all the pain I and my family has suffered. I will love you, no matter who you are. I will not persecute you, even if you persecute me or any other witch. That's right, I am a templar who practices religious beliefs tied into the witchcraft gods. I guarantee I'm only cruel to my enemies. If you cast a stone against me, I will hold you accountable by the threefold law. I will not strike against you physically, but I will uphold justice, and if you commit sin against me, I will expose your character to the world. I serve kings, I serve gods, I serve humanity, but I refuse to serve demons, and those who sin are demons. I don't believe that everyone sins, as I will not accept your Christian God. For those ignorant to the Christian’s crimes against heathens, go look up what the inquisition is, where pagans were imprisoned in churches by Christians and were killed. Why do I occupy the Templar ranks? Because I possess the blood of the First templar. On top of that, I am the youngest living relative of doctor Faust, who was a very real alchemist and physician. If you do not know who he is, then that is just one of those things that separate you from me. Despite all of this, I will love you, just please, don't cast stones at me.
