Life's Victories

Life's Victories

 In life, we often feel like we lose every single battle. We dwell on the negative, and focus on our defeats more than our victories. Despite all the negative things we live through, there are positive things in life, and we do have many victories in our lives that we can celebrate. Every day we live through is a victory in itself, and there are many things each day that are positive and lift us up. Let's not forget about the little things that make us feel great every day. 

 Our minds tend to focus on the negative. I don't know if that is society, the news, or the media that make us feel this way, but it is the truth. When something bad happens, we always tend to freak out. We can't do this. We have to remain positive at all points in our life if we are to ever survive. There are so many positive things in our lives that we are always prone to forget, and I think the one thing we forget the most is all of our family and friends that love us very much. With their support, we can have many victories in life. Our friends and family are those who make our lives feel worth it. Without them, we'd probably be negative all of the time. For those of you without friends and family, I offer you myself. Let me be your friend and brother, at least from afar. I can only pray that this is at least a little bit appeasing to you.

 We always wish to succeed in life when we really need it. Sometimes, it seems backwards, and we only achieve victory in life when we don't really need it. Yet, is not any success in life worth it and a welcome face? Sometimes, we worry about how successful we are. We obsess over it, and start to compare ourselves to others. Let me tell you right now, we should never get stuck in the trap that is comparing ourselves to others. When we compare ourselves to others, it can be often depressing and not the least bit encouraging. We should only try and break our own personal barriers that otherwise hold us back in life. Challenge yourself, and achieve your own personal victories. If you want to be truly successful, then remember that your own self is your greatest opponent. Jump over the hurdles, and reach your own goals at the finish line. 

 Life's victories can feel oh so insignificant at times, but remember, with every stepping stone, you cross the pond further and further. To the established mind, we have to have constant positive reinforcement. Without any sort of incentive, ambition can burn out fast. I'm not sure what makes humanity have to have some sort of prize attached to a task, but it may just be the way of the world. When you think about it, does not every positive action have some sort of positive result tied into it? In the end, only negative actions will have any sort of negative result, and that is why we must avoid negativity every step of the way. Negativity is the killer of all humanity. 

 We don't need to think that life's victories have to present themselves as big and robust accomplishments. Celebrate and shoot for all of life's victories, no matter how big they may be. Be positive, and challenge yourself. You have so much to live for, and life was meant to be a posititive and fulfilling experience. Until next time, ciao!
