What Happens To Us After We Die?

What Happens To Us After We Die? 

 Many claim to have the answers, but few have the truth. We are people who tend to follow a number of set rules and believe the same as one tradition or another. Let's face it, though: most of us are afraid of death. All of us want some security to help us alleviate that fear, but do you really know what will happen to you after death, beyond the shadow of a doubt? For the few of you who know me well, you would know I study history, archeology, religion, and philosophy. This is why I wish to speak to you about the afterlife. I want to provide you with various views, help you ponder and form your own ideal of the afterlife. I wish for free thinkers, who give in to their own ideals and beliefs. You have the ability to form your own belief of life after death and you do not need a church or temple to force their beliefs on you. I'm not saying organized religion is necessarily a bad thing, I'm just saying everyone should not be a follower and actually develop their own beliefs when it comes to the great unknown, which is the afterlife. 

 The afterlife is pondered by every great academic mind. We know that there has to be something more than just death and that we accept we are definitely more than just a simple organism, as we can communicate in a diverse set of ways, think, remember things, live longer than most creatures, and feel strong emotions. We are something that can pursue careers and have strong familiar ties. Yet, we are all troubled by the question of what happens after we die. Some believe in a heaven or hell, maybe a place of the dead, Duat or Hades, or a place such as Valhalla. Whatever it is, we all want to believe there is something a little bit more after we die. To several, there is karma and reincarnation. Some believe in limbo or purgatory, even. What do I believe in? I believe we have an immortal soul who is judged according to our deeds weighed against Justice (righteousness.) If your soul is guilty, it is consumed by a demonic monster, and if you are innocent, you proceed to the land of the dead, Duat. Why do I believe this, though? This is a uniform belief for what culture I follow. I have tried to believe in every concept there is when it comes to the afterlife, and this is the only one that made sense to me. I do not believe in heaven, except for the theoretical concept that pertains to a state of bliss. Hell is merely prison to me, as I have heard too many horror stories of it. (After all, that is where the guilty go.) Reincarnation made sense until I was able to communicate with and see ghosts. Witches believe in the afterworld existing alongside the planar dimension of the Earth, and seeing how I am controlled by Father Osiris, the king of the underworld, I stick to my beliefs, for better or worse. Do I want you to believe the same as I do? No. I simply want you to decide for yourself, as I have mentioned. 

 I hope this has been interesting for you and thought provoking. Please, never follow one way until you explore all options. When it comes to our hearts we go one way but the mind must go many other ways. Our soul is too valuable when it comes to setting our ideals as concrete. Be open and flexible. There is so much out there and so many rocks to turn over. Leave no door unopened and leave no path untraveled, for the seeker is bound to find the truth if they keep looking, so, as the sharks do, keep swimming.

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