Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing Shamanism

 has a special magick behind it, one that attributes to an ecstatic feeling, creating bliss in the caster. Shamanism is a form of ceremonial magick that specializes in the curing of diseases and plight in the shaman so others too can know their healing. If a shaman can cure sickness in their own body, then so should they be able to cure disease and sickness in the one they are attempting to cure. They go into a trance-like state in order to make a journey to the underworld or heaven to either rescue a person's soul or find ingredients needed to cure a person's affliction. To the shaman, everyone's sickness can be seen as an ailment of the spirit. The spirit is like the eternal component of a man or a woman, his will to live and his divine essence. (Not to be confused with his soul.) If the spirit becomes afflicted or injured by a spiritual ailment or assault upon it, the body will become no doubt sick or injured as well. A shaman uses magikal techniques to cure the afflicted one's spirit. How do they accomplish this?

 A shaman uses methods to put themselves into in a subconscious state, or trance. There, they can see and communicate with the spirit world. Their assistant spirits guide them through the nether realms, where gods give them medicine to cure the afflicted. Also, a shaman may have to attempt to find the afflicted person’s lost spirit in the other worlds. Often, the shaman discovers that the afflicted person’s spirit has became captive as a result of an evil spirit capturing it. The shaman goes to the spirit world alongside his helper spirits to rescue the afflicted person’s spirit. After some time, if the shaman is successful, he returns the person's spirit to their body, and the disease quickly passes from the person's body and healing comes over them. This procedure is how the shaman practices his magickal curing. They, having experienced the spirit world several times, are often able to successfully return the diseased person’s spirit to healthy a condition, and thus their physical body.

 The shaman has power over the spirit world as long as he keeps both his own shamanic spirit and other spirits pure. One who works with evil spirits will only inflict evil upon man and their spiritual and physical embodiments, and those who work with good spirits will bring healing and bliss upon men and women. One does not need to shun the human spirit as it is the most important component of the physiological being. For those who do not believe in a human spirit, perhaps I can shine some light upon the subject. The human spirit isn't necessarily a person's ghost or soul, but more like their emotional morale and well being. Consider it to be more like your mental and emotional self, or your human heart, if you will. Science has proven a direct link between the emotional well being and the physical body, and when one is sick the other one can potentially get sick also. In fact, there is a good chance prolonged sickness or injury in either the emotional or physical body will inflict harm to the other one. 

 A shaman heals through his spirit helpers and own experience. An inexperienced shaman will find much trouble navigating the underworld and heavenly realms. I advise that those interested in shamanism seek out information upon it before exploring the option of seeing one or trying it yourself. Shamans become shamans only through spirits selecting them, heritage, or being trained by another shaman. Shamanism is a way of life and often a form of religious adherence, however, those seeking the aide of a shaman only needs to believe one can heal them, by whatever means. I will share more of my knowledge on it over time. I hope you enjoyed this literary spiritual journey we went on together.
