My Shamanic Dream

My Quest For My Vision 

 When I started my journey initially 14 years ago, at the age of nineteen, I had no idea what possibilities were waiting for me. All I knew was this: that my life became more than just about me. My life became an open storybook, one where nightmares and dreams alike met reality. What people I met and who I became bonded to became an infinite cast. No longer was normality the common suit. Now, years down the road, I chase after my ultimate dream, or my vision. This, quite simply, is my story, and now, I know that everything else matters because my vision is for the entire world, and it is much bigger than myself. 

 My vision is a simple yet grand one. I want everyone who wasn't remembered to be remembered. I want everyone who forgot about their loved ones who passed to be reunited with them, at least in the fond area of the heart called remembrance. A perfect world is, at this point, unattainable. Paradise and utopia are places in only a mystic’s imaginations. Suffering will always exist. There will be no heaven in this world. My vision is much more realistic, and that is for everyone to know their deceased friends and family are not gone nor in my presence are they forgotten. The dead have a voice through me, and we are something a little bigger than you and a little less than the concept of God or a creative source. We are the ones who are broken and forgotten, but what we aren't is the truly dead. Life comes from within.

 My vision will take my life to see blossom. It will take every waking moment of my time to be successful. What do I have to gain? I won't receive riches or wishes for having my dream become real. It's for the dead, so that they may be ratified. I've seen a lot come and go in my life, but what I maintained was my ultimate power. What is my ultimate power? That is simple. My ultimate power is the ability to love. I use my power to love the dead as I know only too much about them. People may deny the existence of ghosts but I believe that is only a religious issue. The mighty Egyptians never denied the existence of life after the grave. They spent their whole life preparing for the afterlife, or the life beyond the grave. The only way not to be a part of the afterlife to them was to do evil deeds. One who did evil deeds would have their soul consumed upon death. Now, I stand, believing and knowing the true facets of the afterlife. My dream is noble, but as I say, it is not something that will make me wealthy. Wealth of the physical kind is something I could never pursue as I fear that all the riches in the world only corrupts a person and their heart. 

 We always take things in life for granted. Do you have a vision you are questing after? Have you heard the angels’ council? Will your life take you to a place where you dream for others and not yourself? Your life will one day fade away, and in the end you will be left with only your legacy here on Earth. What you do after you pass on is something left only up to speculation by many. To me, your life after death is almost certain should you be a part of the sun. Within creation’s majesty will you find your place there. Should you live your dreams you will be assured a place in the sky.
