God Is Strength

God Is Strength

 I've fought hard to keep this blog free from my faith but I can no longer. Thanks to a biblical ministry named Bible Flock Box on YouTube I have broken my silence on my true source of strength, who is Him, the God known simply as I Am to Moses and Aaron. I am a born Jew and I still believe in Judaism. I know what the Bible says, and I know that Gabriel, a named archangel in the Bible, has a name meaning that astounds all. Gabriel's name means “God is strength.” Gabriel, alongside Michael, are two of the only named angels outside of Satan in the Bible. (Satan, of course, had entered a fallen state after the deception of Adam and Eve.) I know God is strength indeed, and I want to share my seldom heard story of how God gives me incredible, almost superhuman, spiritual strength every day. Read on to hear my incredible and reaffirming story. 

 I am able to hear God's voice, as I am a special type of man who may be a part of the bigger picture. God is the voice inside of me who keeps me from breaking down and gives me strength in the storm. I've dealt with people doubting me everyday of my life despite the high level of intelligence I exhibit. At times it is highly frustrating and my pride may flare up a little, and I know pride, as dictated by Jewish belief, is one of the seven deadly vices. When this happens I turn to God, and the first thing that I ask is “Why?” I bring this before God, and I always put it into his hands. People everywhere in my city do their best to treat me like a freak. No one is my friend (Yes, besides my wife, no human wants to be my friend out of more than 200 thousand people. I feel alienated all the time, and this is more than a pity-me party. I have came to accept that my faith in God makes me too different than the people I am around in this city.) I do not drink, smoke, or do drugs, and this often makes me not fit in. People who are involved with sin, such as disbelief and sexual immorality, are not okay with me and I refuse to be around them. I know I sound unaccepting, but the Bible says bad company corrupts good character, which are words from the old testament often credited to Solomon, the wisest of the wise in the Bible. I believe that my source of strength that keeps me from breaking down is God alone. He says he loves me and that means more than the world to me. He is my father, and he taught me to forgive those who sin against me. I want to love people, even if they do bad things to me, for I know I do not want to reside in Sheol when I die, and I certainly do not want to perish! My soul is too precious to throw away.

 I know God is my preserver of life and my source of strength. I encourage you to check out Bible Flock Box on YouTube to find out about the man who may of just broken my silence about my faith. You can judge me all you want but I also want you to know the Bible says God is judge alone. I will pray for you and fight for you, with God being my strength. I love you, and encourage you to fight with God on your side, because hey, He loves you, as He is your maker and father. Many say I am a dark man but I want you to know the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac has bought and paid the way for me, and he has done the same for you.
