Are You Strong Enough To Stand Up?

Are You Strong Enough To Stand Up?

 All over the Internet, I see people who bad mouth the government and whatever they happen to not like at the current moment, yet I don't see them doing a single thing about it. Every day I see cowardly people making comments on social media about whatever isn't to their own personal liking. These are the same people who go to work, do as their told, and to to bed systematically each night around ten. If you put them up on the podium they will not echo their beliefs that they said while they hid behind a phone or computer. I see them as low and detestable. They could learn a lot from a man like me, someone who puts himself out there for his just cause. 

 It's quaint how much Americans complain about whatever president is in office. These are the same people who voted in each president. Why in the world did they vote for him if they do not like him? These people are hypocrites, the most lowly of all people. You can ask them this one question: what are you going to do about our government since you don't like our leaders? They'd answer the same way that they already do, and that is to whine and cry all over the internet. I do not care what they think, for these crybabies are what makes all Americans look bad. Rest assured, good people of the Earth, I did not vote for the president as I do not really have much of an opinion on politicians. I think we need governmental reform and a change of international policy, but that is something that the American government will not do. I actually have an educated opinion on politics, unlike those morons who are insulting the president all over the internet. After all, those people are outsiders. 

 These people with their speech against their leaders will not stand up for what they believe in. If you put a gun to their head they'll say anything to avoid dying. What I am asking everyone is to not judge America based off their political puppets or their idiots who open their big mouths online, but instead base it off me, a man who loves. I am currently learning new languages to translate my blog for those who want to read it in their own languages. I love everyone, no matter where you are. I will stand up for what I believe in. I am not an idiot on Facebook or Twitter, but instead an influential man looking to gain your hearts. I will not stand down for my beliefs, as these dogs on social media surly would. Most men and women who speak against governments have no idea of what goes on behind closed doors in politics. We must unite together, and not see us as nationalities and genders, but instead warriors who want to end the deceptions that both the government and church want us to believe. These people on social media are merely just lambs to the slaughter. I am looking for ravenous wolves to devour the world's lies.

 Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. I am with you, each and every one of you. We will fight together, my brothers and sisters who wish to unite our hearts under the flag of love. We know that the people of this world should not fight one another, but instead respect what each other believe in. Your beliefs are fascinating and enlightening to me, where as those crying about their government in America are not even worth conversing about. To those in India, Germany, France, Ireland, and Italy, I want you to know I appreciate all of the support, and to everyone in general, I love you, and I couldn't do all of this without you.
