When Life Seems Pointless

When Life Seems Meaningless 

  This is an awful feeling to have, and many people have felt this or similar emotions at one point in their life. People struggle constantly with the feeling that their actions are worthless or in vain. This emotion of life without a purpose can make people shut down and go into a deep depression. In certain cases, it can lead to thoughts of suicide. I want you to know life does have meaning, and you were born to live a happy and meaningful life. 

  Life is something that you were given to enjoy. Life is a gift, and your mother and father loved you so much that they brought you in this world to live with them and all of the other people on earth. You are a living being, and trust me, there are people who care about you now and perhaps more that will care about you later on. There is no reason to believe that life is pointless, and I'll explain why. When you are born, you make an impact on everyone. The human creature has the need to be happy and also to love and be loved. No one wants to be alone in this life, and if you are right now, I want you to know that will change. I believe in you, and I know that you make many people smile. Don’t you see that life is something that shouldn’t be thrown away? Live for your own happiness, and above all else, live for others. Never take people for granted and they will want to be your friend. Positive people radiate their energy towards others and they are drawn in like butterflies to flowers. 

  The meaning of life is simple. Life was meant to be enjoyed and to just flat out feel. Take the needed steps towards your future and smile. When people see you smile it makes them want to smile too. They want to feel happy no matter how grumpy they may seem. I am led to believe that deep down inside any person can be positive. Think of it like both sides of a magnet. The positive pull attracts others to you, and the negative pole in you repulses people away. Do you want to make more friends, or meet your special someone? Smile and be positive. After all, honey attracts bees. 

  Life only seems like it has no meaning when you hit rock bottom. When you are happy again you will see that life has a lot of meaning. Don't ever give into depression, as it makes us see things unclearly and within a filter that makes everything look obscured. When you are happy, write down all the purpose your life has and remember everything that is important to you as well as the people you love. There is so much to experience in life and I don't want you to miss out on anything life has to offer. Be positive and live on, because life always has meaning. Even during the rain the sun still shines, behind those clouds that block its life giving rays. Remove those clouds and you will once again see the sun.
