Thirst for Knowledge

Searching for Answers

The human mind is a wonderful thing. We have the ability to think and reason, which animals do not. However, there is weaknesses to the human mind. One is our inability to accept the fact that we don’t know everything. When there is something we don’t know, we have the bad habit of trying to discover the answer at any cost. They say ignorance is bliss, and I believe there is truth to that statement. Today we are going to briefly explore man’s thirst for knowledge.

Knowledge: The Bane of a Wise man

Whether we want to admit it or not, man has this bad habit of wanting to know everything. I’m sure you have all heard the phrase “another know it all” befote. It’s always true, isn’t it? One can argue principle all they want, but where should man draw the line on their lust for knowledge? They should of drawn the line a long time ago.

Here in America they collect information and demographics in the name of “national security.” How does data mining Facebook have anything to do with national security? I'm sorry, but what posts I like and the music I listen to does not benefit the government's data bank. Of course, all nation’s engage in this sort of behavior, but what is the everyday civilian to do? I suppose that we really should be careful of what we post.

But where does man’s knowledge and the desire for more knowledge begin and end? That is an actually easy question to answer. The desire for more knowledge is born out of fear and paranoia. Going to school? That is one thing, as jobs requires training to successful complete your working tasks. However, I could argue higher institutes of learning are merely another type of money-making businesses. That knowledge you learn out of a book or newspaper? Your desire for the information is born out of your fear, superstition and paranoia. Only one who is insecure about their future would seek information. That is right, our lust for knowledge is often driven by our own short-comings.

Learning as a Strength

Some people do learn new information to help themselves and others. Those who pursue counselor and instructor roles are two examples of people who have to be an expert in a profession in order to successfully help others learn. At it’s core, the concept of a teacher is noble. However, often the teacher of a student only corrupts the student. That’s right:the knowledge corrupts the teacher, and the teacher corrupts the student. This isn’t often the case in America, but is not uncommon.

We, as a nation, place great inportance in being a scholar and going to college. I can attest to the validity of this stage of life and it’s usual benefits, but I also understand that the learning process in America’s schools need a complete overhaul. We should not treat any institute as a place for socialization: socialization ruins the learning process. Students should refrain from all social interactions with other students. Unfoetunately, when you mix men and women together of a similar age then socialization is inevitable. Their grades suffer, and often they do not care when their grades drop low. They justify their horrible grades due to their new “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” who will only end up cheating on them or leaving them at the drop of a pin. Student beware of those who would disrupt your learning process, for it’s not worth the pain. Do not believe an education is not worth pursuing, and should it be self-defense teacher to high school teacher to a guidance cousnelor, treat your teacher with respect.
