The Greatest Thing: Love

The Greatest Thing: Love

There is nothing greater than love. Love is what men and women fight for. They fight for it so much in life, knowing that love is absolute acceptance from another(s). Love is nothing more than being accepted and cared for. This is the case with familiar love. In the case of romantic love, I'm afraid there is much more going on inside. Before we go into this more in depth, I want to mention love is one of the four sublime states. Love is something we should always feel for others, be them person or animal.

Romantic love is what can help or devastate us. We always feel so utterly special when we love someone. But when people parts ways, or love is unrequited, it destroys us. We try so hard to make our lover happy, and when they don't feel the same way, we tend to mourn and fall into depression. It's so difficult for us to accept that our love is all in vain. We are fragile creatures. Our hearts can never hope to remain intact when tragedy hits. We feel as if we lost part of our soul. We must do everything in our power to save our romantic love for "the one."

Why do we have a Valentine's day, even? Can't we show love for our significant other always? Doesn't it seem a tad rediculous? Our society in the west has became one of greeting cards and commercial gain. The business of the world will abuse each and every holiday to gain all of our hard-earned money. Do not merely go with the flow. Do everything to avoid the holiday mix, as it cannot exist next to sagehood. Holidays are fine for families, but haven't they lost the true meaning behind them?

We tend to seek love constantly. Love is something we use to fill our inner void constantly. We seek love in all shapes and forms. We are sometimes, if not often, aware of why and when we are seeking for that love. People feel pain and emotional anguish, and it often manifests as the want or need to feel love and be loved (especially romantic love.) We feel love is the answer to everything. And quite honestly, it is. Never let the desire control you, though. We are more than simple-minded creatures controlled by the need for love. It is a duality: love is both liberating and controlling. When love is fully realized by a person, and actualized, the person will be able to climb mountains. When they are stricken and fill unloved, their soul will sink to the depths of the abyss.


Love is worth seeking. Never let the search for love harm you for then it is merely an act of desperation. It is hard for anyone to thrive without love, and I really hope all of you find it. I'm sorry for this late posting time. Know that I love each and everyone of you. I am always faithful, and I hope that all of you have a good Valentine's day, and have filled your hearts with just what you were seeking. Please, guard your heart, so that you may give it to your soul mate someday. There is nothing but time for every person alive. Don't get caught up in seeking when you should be the one seemed, as I know each and everyone of you is amazing. Love is worth it, and I hope you all find a bit of it this weekend. With great love comes great peace. Live long and love all, for it is the way to true happiness.
