Love, A Two-Way Street

Valuing Others (Love, a two-way street)
This sounds lime something we should do without question, "valuing others." Often in life, this is far from the truth. We often not only take others for granted, but we also tend to not be sensitive towards other's needs an emotions. Behind every human face there is a story, and in every story there's a human heart. We must be sensitive to other's stories. We, as a whole, are a very insecure species. A human does not want their emotions to build up inside, and often lend to a sympathetic ear. Can you give a sympathetic heart, too? Never treat your fellow man or woman insensitively: it may have an outcome of bad karma if you do. Never exercise bad karma willingly towards your fellow human.
What can we do to become more sensitive towards others? We must exercise complete control over our mind and tongue. We should never say negative things to another person, even when provoked. It may seem downright impossible to respect everyone's feelings. Some people will be angry or even aggressive towards others, the act being a facade. The facade covers up the person's true self and emotions: the person is hurt and insecure. It should be easy to spot: we've all been there. Can we not relate to others by identifying  the emotional pain we once knew ourselves?
Empathy is what we need to help others. To truly understand others, we must have empathy for them and everyone. You do not have to be an empath psychic like myself to truly understand another's emotions. Empathy and sympathy are often improperly mistaken for the other: empathy can show you care about another person quite a bit.  The mirroring of another's emotions shows them they are not wrong for feeling the way they do. A person showing empathy to another can become sympathy, as the empathy turns into sharing of the others hardship. This may sound confusing, but often we just want to feel validated in our emotions, shown that they are indeed appropriate. We must have our emotions valued and actualized to feel human.
We cannot feel valued without valuing others. We must take special precaution to not get lost in our own lives and no longer value others. In fact, here is an ultimate truth: your life matters high in the hand of other's. We are incredible beings, but in the eye of the beholder we are powerless. We cannot receive love if we do not love others. That's right: we must love others to receive love. This is karmic law: we cannot be led to believe otherwise. I'm not giving you some readily passed around cliché, what I am giving you, though, is a example of empathy. Have you ever had a bad day and you went off on someone and they met that negative emotion with negative emotion of their own? This is empathy: if you show a person love, then they will show you love back. Not convinced? Try it out for yourself.
We must value others and their emotions if they are to become valued by others ourselves. We are a complex organism, similar to both animal and plants. Animals must have safety and security to thrive, as you do. Likewise, we must have light to grow, just as a plant does. We are defined by not what we do, but how we treat others. We must value each other in this broken world, as we are each other's only refuge in this life. Treat each other with care, for someday you will find each other in the darkest of times. Love, and never stop loving one another.
