Keeping up with the Trials of Life

Keeping up with the Trials of Life

The trials of life are constantly upon us. Never can we hope to maintain our pace in life if we do not take care of the mental and emotional wounds of life. This is something that cannot be avoided: healing is a big part of life, both inside and out. We can never hope to keep up in life with our jobs and livelihood: the body needs rest. Likewise, our heart is something that suffers: emotional pain is a part of life as will, and often it wounds a person's spirit, mind, and soul. The marks we leave on each other can become scars: even in our darkest hours we should exercise good karma and have good conduct. Human beings are meant to be respected, and we should take into fact that we should always be gentle to everyone, even if they treat you horribly. This may seem as they say counter-intuitive, but you'll understand that if we are ever to keep our peace of mind (equanimity) we must love and show compassion to everyone.

It's easy to fall behind in life. The trials we endure are ones that can make any woman or man fall. We must work in maintaining our heart, for trials are often not of the flesh. One may be abused by their own so-called loved ones, themselves breaking and cracking under pressure. A person's conscious is like a machine, one that has to have all parts working properly in order to run. When we have fallen prey to the hardships of life, we become wounded, as if a part of our spirit, soul, or heart has a gaping wound. We must recuperate what we have lost, which in the case of an emotional wound is quite a bit. When our heart is injured, it feels as if a part of it has been torn out and stomped on. If we are to try to heal our inner wounds, we will understand acceptance of reality is needed. We cannot escape our problems. He only high we can ever hope to do is relate.

If we can ever relate to something, if even for a single second, we've accomplished something. Relating to something, or another, is something of extreme value. You find someone who can be empathetic of you, and you to them. They can understand your pain, even if they never know about it. Just look into that mirror, and you'll understand. The way you feel today may disappear tomorrow. Nothing can be replaced on the inside, only on the outside. This broken world is something of pain, and you will feel the weight of the world. We cannot burden the world's weight alone. We must cling to each other, if only to know that little thing that makes the world go round, love.

This world has always been the same. To believe it is worse than it was in the past is a quaint notion. This world has always been in a fallen state. We must remain optimistic of the situation around us. We're always looking for a scapegoat. We cannot continually sacrifice he younger generation. We must love everyone, regardless.


Please, I ask all of you to take into the fact that we are going to have a lot to overcome in life. When someone rises to he challenge, that is when a star is born. We must stand tall, facing everything that comes at us in life. Do not let yourselves suffer, for around every corner is a shadow waiting to take us down. He strong, and know that every trial, every pathway through darkness leads us to becoming a much stronger person.
