Human Complexity

Human Complexity

The human creature is a very complex organism, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Face it: not everyone fits into one broad generalization like an animal species might. We have such a complex body and mind that I don't think anyone understands fully. Not even ourselves understand what we go through. In science they cannot even explain the phenomena of what is commonly referred to as our memories.

The mental being of a human being is something that can be broken easily. The smallest things in life set us off. Sometimes, it's hard to control our reactions when things go wrong for us. It's those emotions that we have that trigger our response to stimuli. All of our emotions ultimately are controlled by both outer and inner stimuli. Most people in this age respond to outer stimuli, as many people are extroverted. Inner stimuli also as I would imagine is ultimately tied into outer stimuli.

Our physical bodies are tied into our environment. Our human bodies are one of the most complex things in the universe. It is comprised of many parts and if anyone of our body parts is not working like it should be then our body as a whole suffers. Even stranger, we have what may he called the human spirit and soul that may complicate us further. We don't know for sure what our bodies came from or any reason why we would feel this is true, but many people believe there is something supernatural about the human experience. I'll leave that for you to discover or explore on your own.

Whether we respond to our emotions, or have something supernatural working within us, we do know one thing: we are bound by our mortal coil. We have a limited life span, which is undisputable. However, many, like me, believe in life after death, which is one of life's greatest mysteries. To think of the possibilities: we may com back even after death, or some believe we become a spirit or a ghost. No one, not one man or woman, can explain this phenomena completely. Do we, in reality, live forever?

Another noteworthy thing is the prospect of our mind's advancement. I believe it's an undisputable fact that we all get smarter with time. Is this a form of natural adaption or evolution? Are some people born with higher intellect? Are some people wiser than others because of their age and experience? This is something that is a natural phenomena as well.

One more important thing to cover is our personalities we possess as a human. We have very unique traits and personalities, which are shaped by our experiences and interests. Many people even have such unique personalities they stand out from others. Different whether we want to admit it or not is exotic and desirable. No one wants Joe six-pack they want the wild horse, the rebel, the leader, the ace, etc. Human personalities are part of what attracts ourselves to each other. We want what is foreign to us, we want what we want to be.


We have only explored a minute amount of the many things that make humans complex. We are not dictated by behavior and are creatures who are ultimately unpredictable. It's all the human faces in the human race that make this broken world go around. We are something that exists alongside each other and seldom do we take amount to realize how special we are. We are a creature that is wonderful and unique, and I hope everyone knows that we were made to do many things, not just to merely exist. Search for your proof of existence.
