Dealing with your Critics

Dealing with Criticism

As you can imagine, we are often bombarded with criticism, almost all of it being negative. Believe me, it can be devastating, and all this criticism is never fair. Criticism is often built from wrath and envy, or perhaps even greed. Negative criticism is the beast that humanity loves, and what has separated me from man, as I was told to always be positive. What is it that caused us as fellow men and women to slander one another? I do not know, but I will say that it has added much amenity between men and women. We curse each other, and hold grudges, doing any and all to ruin their day. When did it ever become like this? It's hard to believe most people have morals anymore: we only try to bring each other down. How are we ever going to overcome all the mud we sling at each other?

The lack of human trust is concerning. No one is bound to honor anymore, and as people we are highly insensitive to what each individual person's situation and personal feelings. We must realize that a person can only take so much, and any negative criticism could be the straw that broke the camel's back. I listen to people and their most often centered around one thing: themselves. The average person is so greedy in this life, that they lack all compassion, and then, at the end of the day, they claim to believe in god. That doesn't sound like they believe in a benevolent god.

So how do we survive with all of these people who seek to being us down? They gather around us, looking to eat us alive. There is only one thing you can do, as impossible as it sounds, and that is love them and don't listen to their negativity. It's maddening, I know, but there is not much you can do otherwise. You can argue their point of view, but it won't do any good. Those who would judge you are there only to bring you down and rain on your parade. You must rise above it all, no matter what the cost. No one can destroy who you are on the inside. Don't let people bully you, and don't give into their game an fight back. Trust me, by striking back you only make yourself look foolish.

Avoid criticizing others, as it will only lead you to a state of depravation. Your mind should never be focused on trying to "one-up" people as this is a negative aspect of the human psyche. Why compare others to someone else when we can compare ourselves with our own mirror? Why does men and women seem to find faults in others but never themselves? It's pride, for lack of a better word. Absolute vanity. I despise people who cling to their hate-filled vice known as pride. A man or women will always be bested by themselves at the clutches of vanity, or as they've called it in the past, "vainglory."


Negativity comes alongside criticism, and it is always what the people who are not enlightened will do to you, pointing their fingers, mocking you, attempting to make you blow like a smokestack. Do not let them get the best of you, and realize that we live in a broken world, and the people who choose to remain in it will always be full of envy over your every move and accomplishment. Live for others, and if they knock you down, get back up. We have came this far, please don't let people drag you down, you're too good for that.
