Broken Bonds

Broken Bonds

Emotional bonds are made and broken each day. We feel great when we forge an emotional bond with a person. Likewise, it's downright devastating when we have an emotional bond broken. I cannot express to you what it is like, as I'm sure you also have experienced. It's gut-wrenching and agonizing. How can we avoid this part of life? Honestly, it's difficult. Impossible even. All we can hope to do is cope with the emotions when we have our bonds broken.

Sometimes, the ones who hurt us the most are the ones we love and trust the most. We do so much to show a person we truly care about them, and when we have this trust broken it feels like the proverbial knife in the back. How can we cope with such a thing? With time, we can try to forget what has happened, but even after a person leaves our life we still have that void they left in our heart. How can anyone say life is fair?
Some won't let people in after their heart is broken. When people in our family hurt us, we feel anguish and sorrow, wondering how our own flesh and blood would ever cause us such grief. I'll tell you something: many families do betray their own and break their emotional bonds. You might ask, then who should we trust? The answer might shock you: you must trust everyone. The only way to repair emotional trauma is to forgive and quite definitely forget. When they hurt you, they're really just hurting themselves.

Let us use this harsh topic of broken bonds to strengthen ourselves. We must realize that if we are to ever fully forge a strong emotional bond, we must love and trust the person fully. However, we cannot just make a blind commitment. I mean, ladies, how many men have broken your heart? Several times, I imagine, and I assure you it's not your fault. Men are often insecure and juvenile. Face it, the female is definitely the fairer sex. Test a man before you make a commitment to him. Ask about his friends and family. If he has weak bonds with his friends and family then he is definitely a waste of time. Make sure you really want this man in your life. Do not spare yourself for him, your heart matters more than some insignificant weak man who only calls you when he wants something.
As for men, be aware that women can hurt you. Don't get emotional involved if you can see the warning signs. Women are emotional, and sometimes they are too emotional. Life can be turbulent, and the last thing you need is a woman who deceives you. Please think before you make a selection for a mate, as they can burn you.


Both women and men are lead to the pits when we emotionally involve ourselves with the wrong kind of people. We must be selective: spare yourselves the heart ache. Matters of the heart and trust are delicate issues. When our family, friends, and lovers hurt you, it is the worst feeling. We deserve better: never settle. There's always something out there for everyone and it breaks my heart when someone's heart and feelings are abused. We should set standards for ourselves and we must understand that emotional bonds were never meant to be broken. Next time you get your heart invested, make sure it's in fertile ground. Let your bonds grow, and your spirit soar. Life is too short to spend your life having your heart broken.
