A Lyrical Rap, The End Times Smash

 The End Times Smash

All those girls who could not be,

The racist lies spread along,

Our hearts sold to the grave,

Heads but a twisted maze,

Counters and cancels spinning,

No one is truly winning,

Soulless masses gathering,

Ignoring the coming warning,

A man of red and Nero,

A zero from a hero,

Gassing their minds asunder,

Failed attempts not called blunders,

Decades of progress shattered,

A king that invites laughter,

A fallen place full of losers,

Playing a ceaseless game,

Telling themselves of fame,

Their minds and legs lame,

Life without a true wife,

A husband wearing hose,

The mind to the gutter it goes,

Woke, that's all we hear,

Asleep by the monger's fear,

Cowards comprise the world,

Our shot, the heart's referral,

Line them up, a jab and a poke,

Lost in this rubbish called woke,

A true God with no face,

A false one called Corona,

A diva to the damned,

A haven for the fools,

The Order's got them controlled,

Counting their hens already hatched,

Plots opening from the ground fast,

Toss those kids in as they barely aged,

For aren't we at the end of our days?

Falsehood and image be the knife,

That dissects our busy lives,

Scalpel giving our therapy,

Cuttin' open our chest like a hood,

Getting our alteration as we should,

Tellin' us what to do, that's what they do,

Disagree and the hammer shuts you down,

Criticize em' and your the clown,

We used to all have our props,

Now if we do it'll cost ya,

If it is God we trust,

Who's really running this show?

How the hell do we know?

A man behind an iron curtain,

Peeved over rejection,

Attention he couldn't seek,

Callin' him a freak and a creep,

Don't you know? I started this show,

When you were a babe in diapers,

It's my hand you trusted,

Yet your loins lusted,

He don't want anything to do with you,

We throw our food into the pit,

On His door we sit,

The mockery of God is what we got,

Alongside the likes of Iscarot,

I don't owe anyone,

it's to the shadows I run,

Hiding from the haters I do not speak,

My spirit is the one I keep,

Take that liberal trash,

'Cuz I got a fat stack of cash,

Before I wrap this up,

That poisoned chalice was our cup,

Filled with the blood of infants,

The ones we couldn't protect,

As we slept with ones we didn't trust,

A man, or woman, do we really think,

That our carcasses are the one's that stink,

I'll shoot you up, do a drive by,

But you can't judge me,

I'll call mentally ill,

Get out a month later on appeal,

A walking, talking corpse embarrassing our nation,

We gotta start believing,

That flag was there in Normandy,

Alongside Cobra and a young Adam,

What does he really want?

To kill us, to heal us,

Or just let us go,

We're tired, let's go home,

Our troops say everyday,

The bumbling fool promises,

Breaks his word like the devil,

Yeah right, poser who meddles,

In our world so pure,

You cheated to become an angel,

Just to take our souls and steal,

The minds of the innocent,

I hope you die,

By an angry mob,

As you drool like a fool,

Over that bib your wife implanted on ya,

Looks right with your pile of meds,

Karma's real nice, now Sleepy, why don't you go to bed?
