Why the Stimulus Bill was the Worst Thing America's Ever Done

 Why the Stimulus Bill was the Worst Thing America's Ever Done

(Warning: This is opinionated rhetoric that can be viewed as flamboyant and angry. It is, however, to my best of knowledge, based off factual, evidental, truth.

I'm going to be completely honest with you. I know the truth about how sleazy Americans spend their stimulus. The truth is that the stimulus was not used on essential purchases and bills at all. In reality, stimulus checks have gone to things ranging from televisions, smart phones, shoes, and video games. Hey, why wouldn't they? Why in the heck would we ever give a stimulus check to someone who doesn't work in the first place? People on social security are, one, known for being irresponsible, and two, already received a governmentally funded income. So why reward them for being lazy and not contributing to the income?

I'm not sure which idiot is responsible for the stimulus bill. Maybe idiot number one and two, namely Trump and Biden. Yes, let's increase the national debt because we want to buy support via magical free money. Yes, watch as Best Buy, Walmart, and GameStop sell out stock as basement dweller Timmy got a free check. Why wouldn't I want the government to pay for Timmy's video games? I don't! Someone tell that loser Timmy to get a job and stop leeching off his mother and the government to buy his toys. This is absolute nonsense to have a stimulus go to the unemployed who receive aid already, and it's maniacal to believe that we should have unreserved spending on our little white knight government's magical free money. This proves America has became the most financially unstable county in the world and is set to become one of the poorest countries in the world. China's already past you guys, as my services are even employed by them as I was offered more money than your country cared to. I'm not a traitor, just strictly a fortune seeker. I have no allegiance to a country which seems to have no knowledge of how a government is correctly ran. Prepare to be the world's laughing stock for many years to come, as you have been the many years beforehand.

I don't care about your poor little economy. I'm sick of mentally unstable people abusing federally gifted funds. Clamp down on your immaturity, and I swear if I hear about one more person blowing their stimulus on shoes I'm going to hurl. I'll tell you why me and this world and me had a falling out. You proved we are a different species. Where you were human, I was inhuman. I am one of the few logical thinkers left in America and one of the few people capable of the truth. I pray that Biden dies so that the country can be handed off to superior leadership. To give Americans free money that was not earned by one moment of labor is a travesty. I don't want to hate humanity, but I do hate sin. A wise man told me to hate the sin not the sinner, and I loath the sin of Americans. Your choices has caused a spiritual division between us, and I can honestly say that I am Homo Superior. I wasn't a freak, it was all of you who were freaks. I followed my own path in life, but I love you enough to tell you the truth. The stimulus bill is the straw that will break America's back. Overspending is the death of the economy and not the rebirth. We will see America forced to adopt socialism because our country can no longer afford to maintain a free country. RIP America, for you stole this nation from the Natives, and now you will reap your vengeance. One more thing to add. It's funny how Biden criticised Russia. As they simply stated, America is the one who kept slaves and dropped nukes. 'Nuff said.
