My Brother-In-Law, AKA "Freak Show"

 My Brother-In-Law, AKA "Freak Show"

My personal life is by far more troubling than anything in this world. I have something shameful to talk about. His real name is Jon, my brother-in-law. Despite this being his real name, he doesn't go by it online. His names he uses are "MetalGhoul23" on Twitter, "The Last Outlaw" on Facebook, "SouthernRocker" on Facebook, and finally, "Jacob Wolf" a lame version of Jacob Black on Facebook and many other sites. On these sites, he loves to share his love for strange pornography, cars, even though he has never driven, food companies, and male wrestlers. On these sites, he openly says he is pansexual, following sites involving anything from gay porn, diaper porn, transgender, you know, the He-Shes, and even pedophilia. This sounds freaky, right? Trust me, this is only the beginning.

Prader-Willi Syndrome

Jon has a rare genetical condition named Prader-Willi. This is categorized as him missing a paternal chromosome. This is accentuated in the forms of uncontrollable hunger, developmental delays, and various other defects, including incomplete puberty. It is believed to be centered around faulty hypothalamus function. I know Jon, and why wouldn't I? He's never had sex because he is infertile. As much I'd like to believe the porn fetish is pretending, there is something satanic and depraved about it. We normally don't say online we are adamant porn lovers, and especially not pansexual ones. This isn't him, the real was sweet, caring, and, ultimately, innocent. I've even viewed him attempt to please himself. He wasn't even doing it the right way, because he didn't get step one done, if you know what I mean. He didn't even know what the nickname for an erection is, for crying outloud. Something demonic and heinous has influenced him. We should have never let him use the internet. He wasn't mature enough to use it.

What to do, what to do

I've already contacted his mother and the police about him. I previously contacted them about him using my deceased loved ones names as identities. Pretty strange, right? However, I assure you, this isn't really him. What I've decided is to have him involuntary hospitalized at a mental institution for his own good. He's became a threat to himself and others. If you want to see for yourself, just look up his aforementioned names. It's fascinating, yet bizarre. I can't let my dear brother attempt to molest someone. Think of Mice and Men, only legal. As we speak, I am drawing up letters, that will be sent to hundreds of people who can help him, from Brittany Snow, to NAMI, to many more.

Above all Else, May We Strive to do Good

At one time Jon had identified as a writer, and tried, in the way he only can. This was quite some time ago. To this day, he has never caught on to capitalization, punctuation, complete sentence structure, and even tense usage. The truth is, I wish he would write. Then maybe he'd stop serially sexually harassing people he doesn't even know. I know who his "two" girlfriends are. They are fellow mentally challenged individuals, who know even less about relationships than they do math. It is too bad he believes he has to view pornography,  have multiple girlfriends, snapping crotch shots of him in diapers, and more when I and the scientific community know he is infertile. Never mind the fact he's almost five hundred pounds from excess gluttony. His understanding of reproduction is to make up fake children, like Gunner and Faith, his unborn and not even conceived children. I must protect his mental and physical safety, which he is endangering. For the greater good, and my understanding of him and his disease, I will have him committed, or die trying. I'm all-in, because, after all, this was once some form of brother to me. Not anymore. Psychosis has twisted him, and made him say things no one should say outloud. He's not into guys sexually, and we aren't even sure if he likes girls. He's never even remotely came close to having a sexual experience with one. This has gone for a long time, since 12, when he was busted for a diaper heist at Walmart. Pray for me, pray for him even more, and please, spread the word, about my Brother-in-law, the "Freak Show."
