Injustice on the Homefront

Injustice Amongst Us

 For those of you can relate, these espresso stands that look like they are actually ran by former sex workers (or current, perhaps) are an absolute nightmare to deal with. I had an unauthorized charge that was not signed for stating that I needed to "return" products to receive a refund on a charge. Yes, folks, apparently I had to "return" some espresso item to receive a refund. Ironically, or probably completely intentional, this bogus charge appeared after I had received my free drink after buying so many drinks.

I attempted to dispute this charge with her after I had discovered it. She refused to acknowledge me, gestured at me aggressively, and ignored me. I told her I would call the police on her if she didn't fix it, and apparently, she didn't care about this in pandemic America. I did, they gave me a number for the case, and I proceeded to give the place a one star review on different websites. I reached out to them on Facebook, and, as you can guess, they didn't like that. I also left a voicemail for them, too.

Never Again

I'll never shop there again and intend on talking to her manager, personally, or at least if my charge isn't resolved. I also will be contacting my card issuer to see if the charge can be resolved. For those who may know this place, it's called Hold Your Grounds Espresso, which should be avoided as if it is the black death. There is a place right down the street called Indaba that is an organic place that is absolutely superb with indoor seating that you should go to instead. It is right across from the Lutheran Church in Spokane, which, despite my problems with their charismatic approach, is one I've attended off-and-on throughout the years.

Our Mission

I'd like to talk about my personal mission here on my blog. I'm not just the Karen type, I'm more of a social justice warrior, if you will. Me putting the truth out there is much more than just wokedness or cancel-culture. We are dedicated to telling you of every little injustice I deal with in my unfortunate life. I am not too poor, but I am by far not rich. I am white, nearly middle-aged, and a believer in many different spiritual beliefs. I have been persecuted for both what I believe in and my social class. I have gained empathy with African Americans because of this, as most people view me as a slave or unprivileged one, too. It is absolutely abominable.

Always Fighting

If we keep fighting our own people, what has this nation became? I will not let someone still from me, and I'll attempt to slice the hand off of the thief in the process. You all would feel undoubtedly the same. Who is my ally in this world? If you've ever felt hated, persecuted, condemned, or judged, then I am your friend. I am willing to die for my cause, for I am a Son Of Odin, and do not even fear death itself. I am not someone who takes being dumped on lightly. I will get my money back, and she will burn in hell for what she has done to me. May mighty Tyr guide me, seeking revenge on my enemies. Ave, be the Gods name who love me and protect me, for I am in a debt to the Lords Of The Sky, and all the angels who would guide me. Let this be a lesson learned that you should always fight back and not care if they insult your strength for standing up against injustice.
