In Defense Of Pro-Life



A prophet is a person who primarily has the power of prophecy. More specifically, the prophet is the voice of God who shares all of God's beliefs. I, am a prophet, as evident in my power over the written word and spoken word. I hold God's laws sacred.

A Moral None

Abortion, biblically spoken, is forbidden as the soul is created in a baby upon creation. Moreover, it's morally wrong as it is an aspect of people having unprotected sex, which is often additionally sex out of wedlock. People are put onto hell for supporting abortion. Our president in America, despite claiming to be Catholic, is biblically hellbound. There is no forgiveness for those who support and allow murder of unborn infants to happen. They are sick individuals who do not value human life. There is no escape from divine judgment and wrath. There is no justice in ending the chance for a baby to live merely because you weren't intelligent enough to use protection during sexual intercourse. People disgust me. If I did forgive them, they still would be put into the Lake of Fire during end times. On New Earth, where heaven on Earth is made, there will be no place for those who have gone along with public opinion and supported abortion. I love babies, as a father does a child, and it is hard for me to not hate those who support it. The hardest commandment to keep is definitely to love one another.

Does Anyone Care Anymore?

We live a life not caring about biblical values and we forget that is what originally made America great. We care too much for those who die during the pandemic and so little for those who did not even get a chance to live. We give all these rights to murderers and rapists to avoid the death penalty but we didn't give the same right to our own children. I point a damning finger at President Biden and Americans who support abortion. There will be no escape when they suffer a demon's fate. You can hurt yourself, but stop injuring babies who are helpless merely because you didn't care to listen to your sexual education teacher.

I'm tired of no one caring. Have you all lost your souls? Will I be one of the few freedom fighters left standing up for what's right? Can you not sense the injustice in the way people think and believe? Stop pretending you are moral when you commit abortion and support it. Not one bit of it is just, and you are sick in the head if you think it is okay. The church has been too kind to everyone. I refuse to be. I am the one who speaks the truth and always does what is right, even if it kills me. You don't understand what happens when a soul did not get the chance to live a life and gain fair judgment. I am tired of supporting those who do not believe the same as me. If you are supporting abortion, then we are different people. They are aliens to me.

The Truth

I wasn't the nicest on this post but nor did I intend to be. Perfect behavior is reserved for God, and not I. We have a real problem going on when it comes to be fruitful and multiply. It's just not happening anymore. I'll say a prayer for America, because, frankly, they need it. Yes, they, not we. We are now separate. May you know that there is a God and you are not free from judgment. Otherwise, find out to hard way when you die.
