An Escapist Believer

An Escapist Believer

I am a believer in escapism, duh! There's nothing that an escapist can't accomplish. Today we are going to talk about roleplaying. I have some killer ideas that I want to run past you. Maybe I'll even get your stamp of approval, who knows? Wouldn't that be awesome? What roleplaying ideas might I come up with today, hmm? You'll see what I can do, all over the paper, ha ha! You're sure to get lost in my absent girly charms!

When I roleplay, I always want to be someone tough. Who do you want to be? We should always think to be our alter ego, right? You should be the other you, the person you want to be that the world just won't let you be. There's other people we can be, too, like that person we have always wanted to be that we just never had found the ability to be. Which one are you? For me, I want to be a crazy ninja chick, or a noble samurai lady who is all about honor. Have you made up your character? Is it for a game, or maybe just roleplaying in something simple, like a group chat? You don't have to find a game of Pathfinder just to act out your character. Try not to let your character come out too much around your parents or boss, right? They'll think you're weird like me, ha ha! 

When we roleplay, it's fun to get lost in it. You don't have to be an insane sorcerer, or a wicked rogue who's out to steal the grand prize of the lute playing tournament, but it's great fun to imagine yourself as such. You could be the avenging warrior, who's out to kill the murderer of his sister, or even the elven hunter who's had her hunting grounds destroyed, and now she's out to see the world and find a new place to hunt. The sky's the limit, they say, and that is always true when it comes to roleplaying. 

As far as I'm concerned, I am the eccentric shaman, and the spirits and that flow through me are immense. They strive for their own lives, and wish to bless the Earth with their presence. I have never felt anything for humanity in the past, having sympathy only for the spirit realm. The truth is actually quite backwards from what I had thought. They wish to help humanity, as our beliefs had clearly stated they would, ages ago. We help humanity together, as both shaman and spirits. Shamanism is a belief where animism is at its core. It is the belief that spirits and humans have a mutual basis on the Earth, where spirits guide the actions of humans. Maybe this is a belief you've heard of or are interested in now? Quite honestly, escapists are like shamans in training. I'm not saying all roleplayers, cosplayers, actors, and such are shamans, but I am saying they have the potential of becoming shamans. You have abilities that set you apart from the people I normally see. It is something to think about and consider. Shamanism dictates that the spirits protect the Earth, and have a hand in the creation of a new world, and maybe you are a part of this plan, too. The world is too lonely with only I as the last true authentic shaman. Maybe you just want to roleplay as a shaman, and that's fine, too, but remember that someday, maybe you and I will be together, as equals. I long for that day, I really do. We could be together, at least, as friends. Isn't that what we really want? To have a place where we are accepted for who we really are, on the inside?

The days we spent roleplaying will be like the last days we spend on Earth together. Real epic, and real fun! We don't have to worry about anything but the game when we roleplay, so we have all the time in the world this weekend to get into what we are doing. Maybe you want to play as DM this weekend, and that is fine, but remember, we are in this to have fun! When we get rid of the play in our roleplay I'm afraid it is no longer noob friendly, right? We need to gear our games towards whatever skill level is there, so if you are new to my blog or are simply new to roleplaying and being an escapist in general, rest assured, I'll go easy on you! Relax!

I wanted to talk about one more thing. Have you seen the followup to Dragon Ball Z? I've been watching Dragon Ball Super lately, and it is even better than Z! Do you like to watch anime much? It's amazing! I watch it all the time, for sure! Anime roleplaying is a lot of fun, too! It is a whole different role than western characters to enact an anime character out in a RPG! You can be one from a show under a different name, or you can create your own! How about an anime ninja, for example? It doesn't have to be one from Naruto, ha ha! Give it a try! Until next time, I'll be here, coming up with the best escapist ideas for you!

