Dragons: Realized Myth

Dragons: Realized Myth

Obviously, I extensively study all things, especially mythology, religion, theology, philosophy, magick, cryptozoology, with all things related to it, like sorcery and shamanism. Dragons, like many things, abduct my mind, and make my me fly away with them. There's not one bit about dragons that I do not scour. I've always wanted to prove that their less monster and more an evolutionary animal. Today, I will discuss a new theory of mine that will connect the supernatural with science to make a basis for their actual existence.

Dragons, of course, traditionally bear resemblances to dinosaurs, reptilians, demons, serpents, snakes, lizards, other monsters, sorcerers, angels, vampires, and even whales. In fact Tyrannosaurus Rex, "Tyrant King" sounds definitely like Satan, the Dragon, from the bible. Additionally, during medieval tales, knights opposed dragons and evil wizards (sorcerers.) There's many tales depict magicians that worship dragons and fashion magicks after them. Many shamans and shapeshifters were said to change into both demons and dragons. As a master witch and sorcerer, I know that spirits, monsters, humans, ghosts, wizards, and more all have a duality. A shaman is essentially a surrogate host for spirits, meaning that they are two, but seperate. So, therefore, dragons are essentially spiritual and human, much as demons have a duality with human hosts, possessing them, making the body and them one and the same. Another part of this equation is some tales where I heard of rock dragons, or dragons that were living stone. Animated stone would be sort of like gargoyles. Therefore, a stone dragon would be like an animated statue, both living and scuplted fiction, at the same time. This puts a whole spin on everything we know. I believe HP Lovecraft one said that "An intelligent man realizes that there is little difference between the real and the unreal." Is that sort of the premises behind a dragon made from stone? The way I interpret this is twofold. This is essentially emphasizing that dragons are some sort of spiritual evolution of man, like the proclaimed From games like Demons Souls and Dark Souls empahsized so clearly. Also, I relate to this with what I've learned from my practices as an alchemist. I phrase it as a famous lyrics I've heard many times from the symphonic metal band Delain in the song, "Flash and bone, turn to stone, find the will to stand alone, without your armor." This is an medieviel alchemist theory, where they weren't so much "true" alchemists, but instead pseudo sorcerers who studied religious philosophy and did transmutation of metals. They believed God was the purest gold, and wished to refine trash into treasure. (Perhaps themselves?) Were they misled, and transforming into demons, and, thus, dragons?

Evolutionary principle was outlawed by the church, only because it was branded as science. However, alchemists science and christianity was married, before the church had changed biblical principle. Evolution was part of God's plan. It was just called repention, and it consisted of change. Humanity wanted physical change, changing it to evolution instead. Can't we see there was a duality to all of it? One is not different, but instead the same, universally a cosmic whole. Therefore dragons do exist, and are indeed real, myth realized, but maybe just demons or dinosaurs, mad sorcerers, witchcraft gods, or vampiric enties instead! Remember what HP Lovecraft said, after all!
