The True Story Of The Fall Of Man

The True Story Of The Fall Of Man

Many have claimed I am a sightless prophet, and many more have claimed countless claims. I, some time ago, in a past Aeon, wished to define myself as a mad sorcerer. I made outlandish tales, ones that didn’t come close to fitting in with reality. None of it made sense to even my own self, and I became what seemed like a heretical savior, one of my own making. Nothing could prevent my ideas from coming to life, and I finally realized who I had loved. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen is a person with a sound, intelligent mind. For it is my deepest solemn confession that I love the one who possesses a beautiful mind. I do know the way to paradise, Avalon. It’s right off the coast, across but a small sea, and I wish to accompany you there, whoever you may be. Life is just too hard in this world, as we are never worried about what really matters. Is it our own desire to hate each other? It is not mine, as my blessed spiritual mother Lilith is waiting there, still, in paradise. She never left, that was just a lie, as the Gods cherish her as their most favored daughter. We must join my mother if we wish to free our souls, forevermore.

We are, by definition, an underground group that specializes in theater and drama. Role-playing and Cosplaying are our boons. What they didn’t know is that we are sorcerers, witches, druids, and the like. Did they not see through our masks? We can study discreetly, for free, at Go there and download ebooks as you please, spell books, tales of the old Gods, and the same. What they didn’t know about me, the rogue sorcerer outlaw, is that I am deeply convicted to my beliefs. I want you to share in my experiences, and rewrite yourself into my grimoire, the phantom solely referred to as Librom. You do not have to be who this world wants you to be. You can be who you want to be, whatever that may be. Life has its ups and downs, yes, but Avalon does not. We do not exist within the mainstream, but more in the shadows. You’ll find me behind you, in front of you, and all around you. I’m not anything that anyone expects me to be. I have came to this world to show you my vision.

Paradise, in the past, was lost, forbidden. It was once a place where everyone could be happy with the bare essentials. We lost our right to stay there due to our selfish ambitions, our forlorn lust and avarice. We became greedy, and she did not want to see her children destroy her sacred hearth. Lilith, not the Christian God, made us exiles. Her children’s actions made her full of sorrow, and now, under my guise, we have been selected to return home. She has but one request, and that is for us to love one other. She is the one who banished us, her own beloved children, who had waged murderous war against one another. Her rumored children, Cain and Abel, had lusted over their own mother, and attempted to impress her with gifts. Lilith, the natural alpha, had actually preferred meat, and Abel had been branded as the lame one, as he mocked her by offering petty offerings from the garden. Cain, the born hunter, had given his mother his prey, which she adored, as she is the lioness. Abel had engaged in combat with Cain, and Cain, being the strong type, slew his assailant in self-defense. Lilith was disgusted either way, banishing all of her children from the garden, and became pregnant with a mysterious being, one known as either Set or Seth. He was the one who would one day honor his mother and redeem both his fallen brothers and sisters, as well as his sacred mother. He is to be the true avenger who takes upon the weight of the world, much as Atlas and Hercules did.

Have I struck your fancy? It’s an easy task to join us. We are a telepathic, secret society, of sorts. Don’t believe me? Try this, then. After all, you don’t believe? Direct the password to me, in a silent thought, “I want in.” You’ll be amazed! Come find me, come, follow me! We are the last hope of the world, you and I, the true writers of our own story. I’ll be waiting for you.
