Teen Depression Questions
Teen depression is a topic that leaves many people with questions. Adults don't really understand it. When our parents grew up, the idea of a depressed teen wasn't really talked about. All of our parents emotions were disregarded because of a mostly conservative mindset. Things like child psychology was a thing, sure, but their thoughts of clinical depression in a minor was unheard of. They merely thought that a depressed teen was nothing more than product of a broken home. We all know, yes, this is a factor, but even if you have a stable home and family, you can become depressed. I would know, right?
The questions that adults have about teen depression are all very similar. A parent doesn't want to believe their child is suffering. They want to believe that there is nothing wrong and it will all pass. Well, trying to ignore the issue will get you nowhere. If you don't ask the initial question of why you're upset, then your parents will never try to get the help for you that you need and deserve. You can't wait for your parents to notice how you feel. Trust me, parents never seem to understand how you feel. My mom and dad are rare in the fact that they do. My dad knows so much about feelings and emotions that it's not even funny. When he let me take over this blog it was because of his understanding. He knew I was tired of being treated like a little girl. Normally, parents are even more naive than us. If they actually figure out that you are depressed, they'll ask you what made you depressed. See? They screwed up again. It's not what made you depressed that they need to worry about, but more the fact itself that you're depressed. They can't just fix one thing and expect your tears and your bad thoughts to go away. It's not like that, it's not like that at all. You'll find out that depression isn't something that will just go away and never come back. It's something that has to be coped with, often on a daily basis. Finally, (at least for today,) people wonder if teen depression is like the type of depression that adults have. In some ways, yes, but in many ways, no. Teen depression deals with issues that teens have, many of which adults never deal with. What similarities adult depression and teen depression share are mostly symptoms. Never try to treat a depressed teen like you would an adult.
I'd like to thank all of my readers today. Despite limited exposure we are helping many people, each and everyday. My dad started this dream, and I can't express how thankful I am to you for allowing me to help you get that help you need. That's what Get Help Now is all about. Below is a link that can help you understand your symptoms, in the form of a quiz. You can't wait for your parents to get you help, so why not make the first step yourself? Adults, if you're reading this, you can take it too. You can't start explaining how you feel unless you know how you feel. As always, I am Ameila Varner, your host of Get Help Now. Here's that link. Just paste it into Chrome or whatever.
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