Living With Teen Depression

Living With Teen Depression

As if it can truly be called living. When you are upset, it drains you, and it saps all the fun out of growing up. Things that you would normally be excited about simply don't interest you anymore. When your body is changing, which is something we all go through while we are growing up, can make every bad emotion even worse. Some days, it feels like there is nothing you can do. It's cruel that anyone would ever have to deal with depression. Cruel as it may be, it happens for many teens, including me. Does that mean life is going to be horrible for us? No! Absolutely not! You and I are stronger than that. This hand we've been dealt doesn't have to be the end of us. We don't have to be sad. We can live a happy and healthy life. We just have to try.

Teen depression is quite strange. People always think it is environmental, you know, caused by your home and school life, but this isn't always true. Clinical depression can exist in teens. Part of our problem is that doctors often misdiagnose mental diseases. We can't just prescribe a medication and believe that the patient's problem will completely go away. Without follow-ups and a good support system, a teen will still fail. In fact, improper treatment can make teen depression worsen. Often, a teen needs an outlet. That means a teen needs someone they can trust to talk to. They also need that person to actually listen to them and encourage them. Normally, their parents are supposed to fulfill this role, but, often, we don't have the greatest parents. I'm lucky in this case, as I have great ones. This was once my dad's blog, and his idea. I had asked to take it over for a few reasons. One, I know what it is like to be a frustrated teen. Two, I wanted to be able to express myself in a constructive manner that may help you. (At least I hope!) Finally, I wanted to improve my English composition skills. I'm in the eighth grade and I want to use what I learn. I don't know if I'll write as much as my mom and dad, but I will always be here, trying my best to make the best of this crazy problem called teen depression. You, too, need to have an outlet. Don't just write in a journal. Tell people what you deal with. Tell them you want help. Tell them you aren't playing around and that it isn't just a "phase." You are by far too special to just accept your situation. I love you and I want you to live.

Life is harsh when you are a teen and it doesn't get any easier if you are suffering from depression. Everyone knows you can't hide it. The real problem is if anyone will notice or care. Whatever gifts and blessings you have in life will seem dismal if you are crying and struggling with bad thoughts. You don't have to cut and abuse drugs to try and cope with your emotions. You need to understand that life has many good things waiting for you and that your life won't always be full of dark clouds. You aren't alone in this battle. Treatment isn't easy, but it can and will help you, if you take it seriously. I know that you are afraid, but I want you to know that many teens grow up and live successful lives. Both Robin Williams and Carrie Fisher suffered from depression their whole lives but were leaders in their industry. Who doesn't love the movies they are in? Lacey Sturm nearly killed herself as a teen. Now, she's married and is one of the greatest musicians there is. So, what are you waiting for? Get the help you need and deserve now. I am Ameila Varner, your host of Get Help Now. I posted a link below for you to study. It's short but worth reading. Just paste it into Chrome or whatever.
